As in a tasty mix of talk

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What Do Republicans Want? Dear God, What Do they Want?

Medical science finally has answered Sigmund Freud’s plaintive inquiry about what women want, and it turns out it isn’t a penis. The same cannot be said for obstructionist Republican Congressmen, who barely can walk without tripping over their Vote-No erections.

Republicans don’t want bipartisanship… unless it is redefined as ceding them the power that voters withheld.

Republicans don’t want the economy to rebound… unless it restores the same economic imbalance that caused this crash in the first place.

Republicans don’t want empowered Democrats to socialize America… but think it’s OK to socialize banks, especially those they patronize.

And Republicans absolutely do not want President Obama to succeed, in spite of lockstep lies to the contrary… their noses are the only things growing more wood than the parties in their pants.

What DO Republicans want? They aren’t saying, leaving us to infer from their stodgy behavior that they are engaging in political wet dreams. Let’s take a peek inside their Rip Van Winkle heads, shall we?

Republicans want Barrack and Michelle to fall out of love and behave like normal Presidential couples… smile all the time with the aid of pharmaceuticals, or smile inappropriately without it.

Republicans want the President to, just once, (that smug upstart), try to exit a podium through a door that some prankster on the other side has locked.

Republicans want the electorate to return to the grindingly hopeless mindset that only government lies, secrecy and hypocrisy can sustain. (Why would they wish something so awful on us? Because secrecy makes self-aggrandizement easier, the lazy bastards.)

Republicans want to replace the last Wall Street Pyramid Scheme that left millions empty-handed with a newer, ground zero Pyramid Scheme that they can milk for another 10 years until it collapses… again. (Next time they’ll open their Swiss bank accounts well in advance of the final sucker-call.)

But the one wet dream Republicans most want fulfilled, the one that boosts them even more than their No-Vote Viagra… is a coup d’ etat.

If you don’t like my inferences, make your own. Republicans, like Freud’s women, are maintaining an aura of mystery.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If only they could have listened and HEARD Obama's inaguaration speech when he said (I'm para-phrasing and he was talking about foreign nations)...
"We will extend a hand to you, if only you will unclench yours" Republicans take heed...Unclench your hand and open up your mind/hearts to the future...

10:16 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

The only thing I would argue with is the notion that they have any real virility at all. I don't always agree with Nancy Pelosi but I like that she framed it as "the party of hope vs. the party of nope". They are gambling that the stimulus won't work. Americans need to be vigilant that the Republicans and their cohorts do not sabatoge it. It is not at all beneath them to do so. They've demonstrated that on many occasions.

10:24 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pat: I believe I speak for many who post to this blog when I say that I read your posts not just because I almost always 100% agree but because of the beautiful way you write.... and this latest post is no exception... from word one you had me cracking up and saying out loud YEAH you're right Pat!. For me, I would just add too that I'm constantly amazed at how bad ass most of that these dick tripping righties think they Rush could really kick someone's ass...please. I'm not condoning violence, they just give me the impression with all of their tough talk that they would just as soon fight as compromise. But that's just me.

Pat...could you do me one little favor? Write another post about repubs but from the male perspective about what Sarah and Ann Coulter trip over? I know you would make it funny and a good laugh never hurt anyone, male or female. BTW, in an effort for full disclosure, I'd drill baby drill with Ann too if I wasn't married, but she'd probably just hurt me so never mind.

12:21 PM

Blogger Yakpate said...

Roy... Don't you know that women don't trip? The correct answer is, "Yes, Dear."

Thanks for the fabu ego stroke!

12:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yak---an inference for what the Republican women who voted NO tripped over...could be good!!! Let's be fair here, there were some Vote-No women too!!!!!!

Roy---the phrase 'drill baby drill' does have sexual innuendo in it...I wonder if that was done purposely during the election...maybe if we get sex on their mind and parade a pretty women in front of them...enough men will vote for McCain even though they KNOW they shouldn't...hell, maybe even some of those stupid democratic men will come our way. Repeat Palin...Drill Baby Drill a bunch of times...and wink too while you are at it...luckily for us..enough of you guys stuck to your guns-thanks for that...LOL!

10:36 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said... are SOOOO right...I really do now believe that the could get some votes because she was hot and drillable...never looked at it that way, but I t5hink you're right!

6:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

See, you just have to think like a sleezy politician...eeekk did I just admit to thinking like a sleezy politician...YUCKO!!!

7:17 PM

Blogger Skrip said...

Great post! you got it right!

8:57 AM


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