As in a tasty mix of talk

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Last Stop on Bush's Magical History Tour

As departing President George W. Bush rides out his Magical History Tour with a farewell speech, onlookers are left with one more emotion to add to the horror, outrage, disbelief and despair that his administration has engendered: boredom.

After eight years of acclimatization to Bush’s magical thinking, in which democracy is a condiment to spread over other nations like butter on a slice of Wonder bread, and everything in our wide, wonderful world can be reduced to absolute categories of good or evil, most of us are beyond hearing, believing or caring about anything that rolls off the well-trod footpath of Bush’s tongue. In the interest, though, of protesting one last time that the emperor is not wearing new clothes no matter how sincerely he believes he is, let us note the most flagrant of W’s delusions.

The Bush Doctrine has not made our world a safer place. Afghanistan is hardly the young democracy that now encourages girls to attend school… unless throwing acid in their faces as they walk to class can be considered encouragement. Nor is Iraq the shining beacon of Arab Democracy and friend of the U. S. that will revolutionize the Middle East. Our friends don’t throw shoes at our President when he is making a speech… notwithstanding that many of us in the homeland can understand the impulse. And as for Bush’s pat, farewell claim that, “Democracies do not elect terrorists…” what, exactly, did Palestinians do when they used their first Democratic election to put Hamas in power? The only thing we can say with certainty about Bush's Adventures in TerrorTown is that 100,000 Iraquis and 4,200-plus Americans died in them, while Haliburton and Blackwater grew richer.

Which leads to a Bushism that is only partially delusional: mostly it’s self-serving hypocrisy. When he said in his farewell address, as if blowing a kiss to a lover he was dumping, that “America must maintain our moral clarity,” sensitive JPL instruments registered a sustained rumble as jaws dropped across America. What right does the leader of an administration that gave us Abu Graib, Gitmo and the Katrina fiasco have to utter the words “moral clarity,” much less wave them like a tour-bus banner? Whatever America did or didn’t demonstrate to the world in the past eight years, moral clarity is the furthest thing from it.

Before climbing back onto his history bus, Bush tossed us a final, magical thought: We may not agree with his decisions, but we must at least give him credit for making the hard ones. I won't be the only or last one to point out that, if the decisions made were very, very bad... like, launching a preemptive war over weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist... no credit is due.

Throughout his presidency, Bush has whined that the work of governing, winning wars and rescuing hurricane victims is “hard.” Yes. And it is especially “hard” when the administration responsible for doing the work is unqualified to do it, as it would be hard for a 65-year-old ex cheerleader to lead today's Lakers to victory with a back-flip exposing her size XL thong. What’s the connection? None. If George Bush can say goodbye to America with a string of non sequiturs, I can plant one in my blog.

As Bush’s Magical History Tour recedes into the distance, many of us believe he has proven that radical conservatism doesn’t work. Hopefully we also will realize that collective national denial, just like individual personal denial, offers the briefest of comfort before it collapses in failure.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I almost did not listen to W's farewell last night but like a voyeur compelled to watch a train wreak, I simply could not help myself. Interesting that he made no acknowledgment or offered his "prayers" to the people aboard the US Air flight that had to ditch in the Hudson yesterday; surely he heard about it cause it was close to where the twin towers used to be, but he just doesn't care about the common folk. Let's never ever forget that among this A-holes "accomplishments" were his accolades that "Brownie" was doing a good job as head of FEMA after Katrina. Yesterday I wanted to vomit as he and his pathetic ex Press Sec Ari Fliesher ranted about how he and his administration made sure we were not attacked since 9/11. Ironically, he forgets that he was warned about probable attacks before 9/11 but he didn't do anything and tell the men and women who have died for nothing that he has protected them. My wish is to never hear form this guy again and that he fall off his wagon; I liked him better when he was a coke snorting beer swilling womanizer.

7:45 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Phew! Onward and upward AT LAST!

8:38 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool writing as always, Pat. I should thank my lucky stars, I guess, that I had to work and couldn't watch this debacle.

4:51 PM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

What I find the most stunning, is Bush's whirlwind media tour in the last week -- like JOn Stewart said, he has been the most inaccessible president and now, with a week to go, he's acting like he has an album dropping in the 21st.

He seems unbelievably out of touch with the fact that he is the most hated president of all time. He really seems to think that he's going to be vindicated by history. Personally, I want him and the entire neocon clan to go up before the Hague and tried in every domestic court for the mindboggling array of international and domestic laws they broke. Unfortunately, our Democratic Congress was complicit in so much of this lawlessness that nobody wants to be implicated by going after them. A lot of law professors are talking about this -- that so many stood by while so many laws were broken that now, nobody wants to own up to exactly how much they knew and how much they signed off on. It's very disturbing.

Did you see Cheney's media junket? He was even more out of touch than Bush, if that's possible.

Great post, Yak. You certainly get to the heart of this rotten matter.

7:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Over the last eight years I have been outraged and disgusted with everyone who voted for could they be so blind? How could they vote for him? And mad at the dems AND repubs in Congress for doing nothing. I now feel like my party was bidding time to get it together to do what they did this last November...I only WISH they would have got it together FOUR years ago...UGH! So I too was annoyed and felt like the Democrats needed someone very special (i.e. Bill Clintonesque) to run and take the office...I just hope we can get some stuff done and the country going in the right direction...and hold onto the office before four years come up...I don't think they are going to sit on their humps for long...not as long as we did anyway. ARRGGG!!!
Yak, if it makes you feel any better I don't think in four years Barack will have to try and mis-lead, mis-guide and re-write history...I think his record will leave us feeling blessed and thankful...and hopefully lead to another four more years of the same!!!!! What will the new slogan be I wonder, RE-PEAT!!!!???

7:35 PM

Blogger Cafe Observer said...

LA, politicians breaking the law is the rule. Welcome to reality, unfortunately.

Something we dogs have known about your species for a long time.

1:23 PM

Blogger Yakpate said...

If it weren't for that illegal war and all the lives sacrificed in it, the Bush administration could best be compared to Pee-Wee's playhouse... including the off-air episode of wacking off in the dark.

What's the magic word?


7:49 AM

Blogger Cafe Observer said...

So, YP, doesn't sound like you're feeling all that great on the night before.

But, a bunch of us locos had had a great brunch Sunday morn, during the GWB administration!

There was even a dog, beside me, at this fine dining joint.

6:55 PM


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