As in a tasty mix of talk

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Obama's Plot to Seduce the Voting Poor

By claiming that Obama is plotting to commandeer the lifelong loyalty of the poor by giving them a tax break, Rush Limbaugh makes one wonder: Is he high on OxyContin again? This is not a rhetorical question. Limbaugh’s paranoid commentary on the subject has been so inflated, even for a gasbag like him, that he might have sucked it from a helium balloon.

What makes Rush think that Obama would use the Bush/Rove strategy of buying votes with tax breaks? The poor are not as easily bought as the rich. The poor have scruples.

Rush has forgotten that the poor, especially those with religious convictions, have helped elect Republican candidates against all logic, since Republican agendas seldom benefit them. Using racist scare tactics masquerading as morals, GOP strategists have manipulated the poor into voting Republican for 20 years or more. But the poor, without the benefit of Ivy League educations or undeserved tax breaks, managed to wise up to this tactic during the last election cycle. They rejected the Obama-as-Muslim-Bogeyman inferences and helped elect him. Even the religious right lent its partial support to Obama.

The lesson to be learned from this is that the poor will not snuggle up in the pocket of any political party unless they trust its ethics. If Rush and the Republican leaders he caricaturizes don’t understand this, they have no one but themselves to blame when the poor redirect their political allegiance.

But perhaps they do understand it… and that is why they are so nervous. The Bush Administration arguably has been the most immoral in American history. It lied about the reasons for invading Iraq… and the sons and daughters of the poor died in disproportionate numbers fighting on Iraqi soil, defending an agenda that to this day remains unclear. Like everyone else, the poor watched as the Republican Administration approved torture, spied on its own citizens, politicized the justice system, looked the other way while bloated bodies floated over rooftops in New Orleans, and… gave undeserved tax breaks to the richest of the rich.

Now Republicans face a paradox: the poor class in America, whose shifting allegiance they so fear, has doubled or even tripled in size as a direct result of the GOP’s own unfair policies. The poor represent a formidable voting block, now that there are so many of us.

Maybe, as Obama repeatedly stated during his election campaign, he wants to give tax breaks to the poor because they… we… deserve them. Maybe tax breaks for the poor are fair and honorable.

Yeah, that’s it… Obama is plotting to seduce the poor with fair and honorable tax policies.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMGOMG....Yak..thank you so much for articulating the thoughts of so many of us...I don't know what we would do without you:) Hope you don't mind...but Im posting this on my facebook page....

8:31 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

In the face of one as astute, articulate, poised, centered, driven, honest and forthright as President Obama (I LOVE saying/writing that), the inflammatory remarks of the Limbaughs , the Coulters and such will seem especially hollow, mean-spirited and anti-American in comparison. That they were all those things all along was obvious to many of us, but now it should be quite clear to the vast majority of us.

8:53 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who says they hope the President of the United States fails is as Unamerican as it gets...I'm sorry. I know we are not suppose to throw that word around. I know it is because of our rights as Americans we can spout off hate filled speeches and ugly,racist, despicable words that are protected under our constitution. OK, but to hope the President fails is to hope the USA fails....UNAMERICAN!!!! I cant believe people listen to a word that idiot says....So, anything he has to say means absolutely nothing to me....I know lots of people who voted for McCain and did not want Obama anywhere near the White House yet not a ONE of those people want him to fail because they knows if he fails, we all fail....I'm sorry..had to spout off about Rush Limbaugh...he just sooo disgusts me!

8:55 AM

Blogger Yakpate said...

Stacyt... this blog is a no-apology zone! Spout away!

9:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

@stacyt: Disgust is the nicest thing I could say. But, is it just me, or has anyone else thought god, our country is really messed up.... I mean Rush's show is HUGE...why are so many people so delusional that they regularly listen to him?...even after he admitted h his oxy habit...and yet people still worship the ground he walks on...that's what scares the shit out of me...not one Rush, but the millions that follow him.

9:06 AM

Blogger San Diego Farmgirl said...

Rush hopes Obama fails because it will give him something to talk about. Rush was huge when Clinton was president, but his drug bust is the only thing that's made the news since 2000. He probably voted for Obama himself.

The last thing I want spewing forth from my entertainment device is anger, be it Rush or his progressive counterparts. IMHO, people should be pickier about what they allow into their eye and ear holes. (don't even get me started on the pie hole ...)

9:48 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those same millions that eat up his hate with a spoon...are the same people who acted APPALLED that Clinton cheated on his wife and lied about it. SO that is immoral and wrong but spreading hate..well that's okay.
I just can't think of any single Liberal media person that is like that/that extreme (crazy, really)...but that is because the liberal agenda is not fear based, hate spreading, divisive politics.

10:01 AM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

10:23 AM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

Does anyone still listen to that guy? WHenever I hear Rush Limbaugh mentioned, I am amazed that he still has a following.

But I don't understand why anyone watches Olbermann, either. I'm with Heather on limiting the hateful rants that reach my eyes and ears. So much of what passes for commentary on the US airwaves is nothing more than soap opera-style gossip fests by angry people. In my opinion, Bill Moyers is the only journalist remaining on American TV with any real in depth analysis or commentary.

10:24 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im sorry I don't think Olberman can even begin to compare to Rush...he may be passionate about his Liberal Agenda...and yes if you are Republican you might not like him or want to listen to him...but he is not crazy!!! And he questions even the Democratic leadership already....sometimes I get mad at him because I think man, give Obama a chance Keith...her can't get to everything in four days...
And L yes unfortunately Rush still has a very HUGE following...the guy in the cubicle next to me listens to him everyday...I can hear the faint Rush raves daily. Some days I am like what the heck is he so angry about on this day he is so loud....??!!! UGH!

10:29 AM

Blogger Judy Williams said...

It's amazing that he has such a following, but you can still go to East Texas and other places, even large cities and so many of those who follow him, are so full of hate. I can't figure out why. And to want someone to fail? Even I who loathed W, didn't want him to fail. I just wanted him to leave. Every time I accidentally hear Limbaugh or even Bill O'Riley, I am as disgusted and repulsed as anyone can possibly be.

11:57 AM

Blogger Yakpate said...

Hi Gang. You might be interested in this message I emailed to our President today:

Dear President Obama: In Southern California today, a mother and father who both had been laid off from their jobs at Kaiser Permanente went home, shot and killed their children and then committed suicide.

Americans cannot afford to suffer while Republicans dicker for power that the electorate clearly doesn't want them to exercise.

Please take whatever steps are necessary to bypass obstructions to your economic policy and move forward with your mandate.

1:15 PM


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