As in a tasty mix of talk

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Crawl Back into Your Hidey-Holes

What shall we all do as Bush rewrites Presidential history and Obama prepares to release a report on his connection or non-connection with Blagojevich’s Senate seat yard sale?

I know…let’s follow the lead of Media Mouths in chewing the bone of what Obama knew, or who he might know who knew, or if he ever stood with a wide stance in an airport men’s room stall next to someone who knew or did business with the corrupt Illinois Governor.

Sniffing along the media trail, let’s demand with righteous indignation to know the exact circumstances of any contact the Obama transition team may or may not have had with Blagojevich…did any one of them know what was going on under the manhole cover that serves as his office door? And if they did, is it illegal that they knew? Or thought they might know? Or knew on a subconscious level which they denied even to themselves, but which our intrepid talking heads are determined to ferret out?

More importantly… how did these news hounds develop such an obsession with minutia that they finally crawled out of the hidey-holes in which they’ve cowered for the past eight years?

Where was their keen and penetrating inquiry into the crimes against humanity perpetrated by George Bush & associates, right out in the open for all to witness?

Who among them stood before the cameras and demanded more proof… or any proof… that Saddam Hussein possessed WMDs? Even the SNL writers parodied Colin Powell’s lame, chart-and-pointer assertion that shadows on a satellite photo constituted “proof” of nuclear weapons.

Why didn’t these media profiles in courage pursue, with a tenth of the vigor they reserve for Obama, the deeply disturbing but genuine story of Abu Ghraib? Couldn’t one of them have prevailed in his or her determination to know, “Isn’t torture a violation of the Geneva Conventions which the U.S. helped formulate and agreed to, and doesn’t our abandonment of the provision against torture constitute a war crime?

Which of these inquiring minds spoke out against Bush’s expansion of Presidential powers, which would have been arrogant had he ever had a curious thought but, since he didn’t, bordered on insanity?


The cowardice of media journalists for the entire duration of Bush’s scofflaw Presidency invalidates their posturing as they now lamely, belatedly, attempt to reclaim their chops. Feasting on the dog crap one lazy politician dropped on the sidewalks of Illinois is no way to reassert credibility. But here’s a lead worth pursuing… why has the media worn blinders for the past eight years?

Imagine, just for the investigative exercise of it, that it was a Democratic administration responsible for the missteps of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gonzales and Barney. By now, Republicans would have impeached everyone who wandered into sniffing distance of the administration, including the White House’ biting, bad dog.

Hear that, Nancy Pelosi?

All of you media posers who now pursue the Obama/Blagojevich non-story, do us a favor… crawl back into the same hidey-holes you called home from the 2000 election until now.


Blogger Cafe Observer said...

The more things CHANGE, the more things stay de same.
Now, that's CHANGE I can believe in bcuz I've seen it all B4.

(Yak, they've really been talking about you over on AltaHikers site recently!)

12:47 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right on Sista!!!!

6:21 AM

Blogger Yakpate said...

Thanks for the heads up, Cafe Observer! I left a recipe for Yak Pata on Altadena Hiker's site.

8:08 AM

Blogger Yakpate said...

Wait, I mean Yak Pate... I'm so excited about my new fame and glory that I misspelled my own name!!! (I've been sipping sherry as I bake cookies here in 16-degree Louisville!)

8:11 AM

Blogger San Diego Farmgirl said...

As much as you and the rest of America wants him to be, Obama is NOT pure as driven snow. Rahm Emanuel is a snake, as snakey as ANYONE in the Bush Administration, and it's no secret the Chicago political machine is greased with corruption. I don't think this is a non-story, but ...

Why do you get so worked up over network and cable news anyway? We all know it's fake, censored propaganda, right? We all know they're using this issue to distract and divide, just like they did during the Bush administration. Us vs. them. You can't trust your neighbor. What good does any of this do?

You wouldn't pay for a plate full of shit when you ordered a steak, would you? So why consume fake news?

The most politically powerful thing any of us could do is

8:44 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yakepate, stop by any time. I'd like to have you for dinner.

12:32 PM

Blogger Yakpate said...

The point is NOT whether or not Obama has ties to anything corrupt in Chicago... the point is that no one in the media called out Bush for any of the crimes he committed in plain sight with international witnesses... whereas now, they are calling out Obama for a "potential link" to a crime someone else committed. Surely you can appreciate this distinction.

6:27 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just can't believe anyone would think that Obama was playing along knowing what Blagojevich said about him....It's Clear to Me that IF he did know, he didn't agree, and wasn't going to play Blagojevich's political games with that is just a bunch of crap!!!!
As far as Chicago corruption...they aren't even in the TOP 5 most politically corrupt states...but my state is. My state, whose Republican representative (Mitch) is the Repubs. chosen Minority Leader!!! Hmmmm...maybe I should start an investigation since he has been in office here in Ky FOREVER, he SURELY had some link, some connection, knows something about all of this Corruption here??!!! Hmmmmmm....and he is the Repub. leader??!!!
There is corruption, there is nepotism, there is bad people in with the GOOD, there is people like Cheney who have so CLEARLY done the wrong things and made the wrong decisions but still stands behind them blindly not even knowing or to ARROGANT to care or to CHIKEN shit to admit they were wrong....
There are ALL of these different kinds of people mixed in together in every organization, every race, every religion, every company, every family...yes even in our POLITICIANS.
It is a very STRONG person who can come through this GAME called life (especially a political life)un-scathed, un-tarnished, non-corrupt, not bitter, completely free of error...PERFECT???!! We are so quick to judge and condemn and at the same time are not even upholding these standards within ourselves.
It seems to me a lot of people only see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear-Yak.

12:08 PM

Blogger Yakpate said...

Nikki– I agree with you and am truly befuddled as to why otherwise bright, insightful people are such dedicated Obama-haters... without giving him a chance to prove himself.

FDR, another famous and much-loved president, also moved to the center to unite our nation. Just because Liberals and Progressives have to share points of view is no reason to get their panties (or skivvies) in a knot, in my opinion. Let the man have room to work. If he screws up i/100th as much as Bush, then gripe about it.

Obama's election was a critically important step in the right direction for our nation. Even so, it was still a STEP... let all the nay-sayers volunteer to work on behalf of our nation, or vigorously communicate their views to Obama, before they decide they can't enact their own goals for our country.

12:08 PM

Blogger San Diego Farmgirl said...

Trust me, that befuddlement runs both ways ...

1:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yak--I know, today is Dec 29, 2008....doesn't he get in the office on Jan 20, 2009???!!!!! I usually don't get a lot done BEFORE I start a new job!!???!!!! LOL!

5:55 PM


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