As in a tasty mix of talk

Friday, November 07, 2008

Can Sarah Palin Smarten Up?

Sarah Palin’s IQ is not the subject of this discussion. Ann Coulter has a high IQ. Osama Bin Ladin has a high IQ. Even Hitler had a high IQ. (No, Sarah apologists, I am not equating her with Osama or Hitler. I’m comparing a number, not a history.)

Ms. Palin’s intelligence remains a hotly debated issue among newscasters and talking heads, usually in the context of, “Can she get up to speed in time to run in 2012?” In other words, can she acquire an education? After all, it is the lack of knowledge obtained through an education, not Palin’s IQ, that has led so many to criticize her intelligence.

Republicans are often accused of celebrating ignorance, as when they pander to the feelings of inferiority among uneducated voters by mobilizing them around derisive labels like “elitist” and “eloquent.” This year, a majority of the working class smartened up and elected the eloquent guy. Not even Joe the Plumber, who works without the license required to legitimize his claim to a profession, could persuade blue-collar voters in, say, Pennsylvania, to reject Barack Obama on the basis of his obvious intelligence. Maybe voters are just tired of a President who is so inarticulate he must coin nonwords like “misunderestimated” to express himself. Maybe they are shocked and terrified by the direction in which a lack of insight and a narrow point of view can lead us.

So, what kind of “intelligence” does the new electorate demand of its leaders? Hopefully, one that is supported by education.

An education is not a prerequisite for intelligence. But it is critically important when the intelligent person is a decision maker, or, as President Bush refers to himself, a “decider.” Education expands the range of one’s point of view, tempering unreflective assumptions with alternative ideas. Education provides a broader frame of reference for ones knowledge, revealing the common sources from which divergent beliefs emerge, Education provides expanded opportunities for communication and conflict resolution. Ultimately, education provides a broad and stable base to support the weight of those who become pillars of our communities.

Education is also the basis for happier, more fulfilled lives, making it just as essential as health care and sound economic policies and a clean environment for the realization of our American dream.

So, can Sarah Palin smarten up? Sure. If she wants to. But education also changes us. Those who choose to learn implicitly accept the expansion of self that accompanies the acquisition of knowledge. Many of us even seek it.

The real question is: Does Sarah Palin want to smarten up?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In a word NO. While she may not be as dumb as dirt, she obviously has no quest for knowledge. How else can you explain that she could not recite one thing she reads to Katie Couric? And don't tell me she was nervous...this is a women who has been in front of cameras for a long time...she couldn't tell us because she doesn't read. And even if she does start reading, she can't cram for this amount of reading during the next four years will prepare her to talk intelligently about US and world affairs when placed under scrutiny. Four years does not replace a lifetime of the quest for knowledge.

8:48 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

My hope is that four or (hopefully) eight years of an articulate visionary in the White House will provide such a stark contrast to candidates like Palin and Bush that voters will no longer succumb to the dumbing-down. Much of it will depend, of course, on how successful Obama is as a leader. If he or the leaders in the Democratic congress give them fuel they will most certainly burn it. Palin has an annoying knack for snide generalizations that trivialize important topics. Obama can do a lot to innoculate himself over the next four years by speaking directly to the people and educating them. He hinted at that in his victory speech when he said "I will always be honest with you about where we stand" (I beleive I am paraphrasing, sorry).

I am quite hopeful.

9:27 AM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

The real question in my mind is, when will we, as a culture, stop blaming the woman?

Sarah Palin is not as dumb as the media-driven mythology would have us gleefully, condescendingly believe. The left and bitter losers on the right (who gave her to us, who won't own up that THEY did not vet her) use her to make themselves all feel particularly smug. I've seen more errors in history, economic theory, basic philosophical terminology and even spelling ("Sarah Palin is a moran! Sarah Palin is unintellegant!") in the commentary written about Palin than in ANHTHING she said or didn't say.

I've watched a lot of coverage of Palin and the real scandal, the real SHAME of this campaign is that we as a culture allowed an Obama-led media to force feed a character right out of reality TV and push it off as reporting about a candidate. Campbell Brown reported yesterday about this and stated that CNN has debunked MANY of the "facts" about Palin in the snarling media: Africa as a continent is one example.

Palin is no foreign policy expert. But up until recently she was the most loved Governor in the country, with a vast knowledge of energy policy (including alternative energy -- sorry, folks, but Obama wants to drill baby drill, too.) IN a state that adored her and believed she spoke to their needs. She had risen despite NO mentoring from rich benefactors and NO money as a working class woman and against her own party who she called out. We would celebrate the reality of this character on the left if, say, it was played by CHarleze Theron in an indie movie about a fictional version of her (complete with love scene, of course. It's not exploiting her! It's for the good of the story! RIght.)

Palin knows painfully little about foreign policy. That much is obvious. Neither do most of the most patently condescending fingerpointers. But not as little as you would like to believe. Try watching Fox News once in a while and actually see an entire 30 minute unedited interview with her, or watch one of the several public television documentaries about her. She knows as much about energy as Obama knows about the Constitution.

Speaking of Obama, if the same editors of this big story -- which really HAS been a reality TV show -- had decided to make HIM look the fool, he's had as many gaffes as Palin. 57 states in the US, the reason we are losing in Afghanistan is that all the ARABIC language experts are in Iraq, the constant use of "um" and "uh" when off teleprompter. This doesn't make him stupid, either -- as a lot of his detractors pushed on blogs the left just didn't read -- but it proves that he's not exactly Einstein, either.

I have several friends who work in Reality TV. They have LAUGHED at this election as the biggest reality TV show of all -- in fact, some of their editor friends now work for the cable news stations. Reality TV editors pour over hours of tape to string together a version of the person -- the meanie, the smart one, the funny one, etc. -- that they have before they start editing. These characters are basically cast before the cameras roll, and the editors use endless miles of footage to create their "reality." One of the things you sign in a waiver if you are on a reality show is that you allow this kind of unreal representation of you. Palin has had just that happen. She served the smug left as a punching bag (Moran! Unintelligant! Cunt!) and now serves the bitter right as the reason for McCain's loss. (Blame the woman! It's her fault as usual!) Even though they are the ones who selected her in the first place.

As for Joe the Plumber -- he's a plumbing contractor. He has no need as a contractor to have a plumbing license as someone who hires OUT the actual workers for the job. Every smug asshole talking head on MSNBC knows that -- but it doesn't fit the character: Joe the EVIL RIGHT WING UNLICENSED PLUMBER. Jeez, what has happened to this country when we investigate the private life of some shmuck who actually asks an honest question in a way that we didn't even investigate the candidate who won the presidency!? (Just TRY to find records from Obama's time at Occidental or any actual medical records. Just try.)

Palin is what she was before this election: a successful governor who has used bipartisan support to govern her state and has reformed much of that state, often against the wishes of her party. Until this election, Palin supported Ron Paul and even said she liked OBAMA!!!!! (I saw the tape months ago when I first thought she'd get tapped by McCain and everyone thought I saw smoking something.) She's probably every bit as educated as half the people who comment on blogs about how dumb she is -- the same people who, like her, would serve if asked, and be convinced that somehow THEY were ready too. Hubris is not only relegated to those people on the right we don't like.

Palin has all of the same traits as Ronald Reagan who I also thought was simplistic and out of touch with history and geopolitical nuance. Yeah, and even Obama says he was a great president. So it just goes to show, this country celebrates people like Palin who make things simple for the electorate. Obama's people did the same thing by pushing the easy-to-digest ad campaign slogan of "Hope and change" instead of any real concrete policies. Again, welcome to reality TV where Obama was cast as the hero.

Can we put away our voodoo pins now that Obama won? Sore losers are bad enough. Ungracious winners are, as Michelle Obama says, downright mean-spirited.

10:15 AM

Blogger Cafe Observer said...

If we truly want real earthquake CHANGE then try this:

Palin/Yak: 2012!

"They're weary, they're rested, they're angry, they're not gonna take it anymore - and they're women!"

10:17 AM

Blogger Cafe Observer said...

LA, as usual, you're a breath of fresh air!

On 2nd thought, I think if Palin/YP were to be the nightmare ticket, then the dream ticket in 2012 really would be:

LA/CO 2012!!

"For REAL CHANGE you can see, not just hear."

10:22 AM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

Cafe, you crack me up.

Here's an interesting commentary by Campbell Brown.

And may I add, I'm glad to see CNN attempting to go the No Bias/No Bull route and appeal to those of us who remember the Fairness Doctrine in news reporting.

10:34 AM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

One more thing -- those same talking heads questioning whether Palin can get ready for a 2012 run were wondering if Obama could get up to speed after his famous speech at the Dem convention. Back then, they were still trying to spin W as a patriot and the war as something we should still pursue. I remember them saying things like, Obama is a great orator but he has no executive experience and little foreign policy understanding. Weird how times change.

Incidentally, I'll be surprised if Palin runs. I can't imagine anyone wanting to go through the meatgrinder again. But who knows.

11:02 AM

Blogger Yakpate said...

I'll put away my voodoo pins... right after you put away yours.

11:20 AM

Blogger Yakpate said...

p.s. Anyone who read my post, "Who Was Palin's Image Consultant" might remember that I wrote of her:

Unsuitable for her position or not, Ms. Palin answered the GOP’s call and stepped gamely forward to infuse life and interest into the McCain ticket. But now that he is headed south in the polls, the GOP already is pointing its fickle finger of blame at Sarah. Forget sexism… that’s just plain ingratitude.

11:26 AM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

Oh Yak, please forgive me for using your forum to unleash on the whole of mainstream media. You aren't the target -- your post triggered my response after days of reading Palin-bashing that I think is bizarre in the face of such an overwhelmingly positive vibe of Obama's win. I don't think I have voodoo pins, but maybe I do and don't realize it. I certainly don't want to demonize anyone, and my constant research of stuff is mostly to be proven WRONG, not to bolster my opinion. But I should have clarified that I didn't include you in my rant at MSNBC and Huffington Post, etc.

I'm just curious about what lies beneath the spin on all sides. And I'm a born devil's advocate. ANd I don't want to be told by the media what to think about anything.

I just want everyone to play it fair across the board. Palin isn't a special needs dullard and Obama isn't a super genius. But if we're going to call out Palin's obvious knowledge gap -- why not call out Obama's as well? If we're going to celebrate Obama's change message -- why not celebrate Palin's reform message? I'm not being rhetorical, I really just want a standard set of rules for this game.

Somewhere in there, the reality lies and I just find it harder and harder to get to it with so much hyperbole. Also, many have made negative points about Palin using information that just isn't true. SHe doesn't support abstinance only, for example, and she believes in access to birth control and she's pro-alternative energy including solar and wind. But none of us would know that based on the media meme about her. The only reason I know -- or think I know, hell I don't know anything -- is because I was following her before she was the VP candidate, if you remember, and she was known in Alaska then as a fairly moderate center republican on every other issue except abortion. Her image then was of the Norma Rae Reformer who brought Dems into her inner circle.

Right now Obama is seen as a left-leaning liberal -- but the truth detracts from the image if you look at his actual list of advisors and choices for cabinet positions. I don't know how to discuss the current situation without pointing to things like this -- and to the fact that Palin has been turned into a cartoon by the opposition. That bugs me. And I'll stand up for anyone who I think is being unfairly portayed.

11:51 AM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

BTW, I fully expect to be taking up for Obama when the media turns on him in a few years for failing to be a combination Messiah/Lightbringer. They've set him up and after years of demonizing Bush and company the netroots blogosphere is bound to need someone else in power to pile on, investigate and take down. I really, really, REALLY hope I'm wrong.

12:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again...we are sooooo stupid that we let a now Obama led media make our decisions for us....UGH! Palin was picked for VP running mate because she is a woman. The McCain campaign was trying to steal Hilary voters...
I do not think she is stupid at all. In fact, I have a certain amount of respect for her just because of where she has managed to lead her career. I totally disagree with almost everything she says but that doesnt mean I fell into a trap set up by the media.
McCain's campaign took a gamble trying to get women failed.It's obvious to me she was placed in a position that she wasn't ready for and the McCain campaign did not help her in that respect.
However, how she managed to spit out those hateful things she was saying is, in my mind, 100% her fault. I think it was her responsiblity to to tell the McCain people"Hey, I'm not gonna say this guy pals around with terrorists. I will say he has some questionable contacts." Or, "I'm not gonna keep pointing this guy's middle name out in the hopes that we instill enough fear to win some votes." She didnt...She spit that hatred out and then talked about uniting the country...Please...
Oh, and what about the fact that she "tolerates" gays.. How nice of her....
I don't think she is stupid, I think she is an over-conservative, biggoted, homophobe who I am thrilled did not get anywhere near the Whitehouse.
Once again..these are MY thoughts and feelings..not something that I was brainwashed into believing because I am not intelligent enough to decipher the stories I see and read about on the news...

12:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Are for real and serious about Joe the Plumber? He doesn't need a license because he is a contractor? Huh? More power to you if you hire a unlicensed contractor, but I for one, and basically everyone I know who values their home would never hire a contractor who doesn't maintain the appropriate license. Remember, according to the local union in Ohio, this guy thought it was okay to place a plumbers union logo on his web site and yet he wasn't even a union member. Give me a break please!

And, I for one have not let the media driven mythology, whatever the fuck that is, form my opinion of her. I have joked on this site about her being good for nothing more than fornication, but I was not serious. I'm sure she is a loving mom and she has friends who love her for her and not because she is Gov. of the State, but she proved to the world how uneducated she really is with her words or lack thereof. And the most loved Governor in the Country? Again you jest right? By who? And really how many people really, truly have a favorite Gov. outside of their state? I don't think the majority of people give a shit about who's Gov of what state except perhaps, lets hope, their own.

1:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have searched the media high and low to find and dwell on EVERY negative thing about Obama you can possibly dwell on...and by the way, its all of the Republican Talking Points that the Republicans have WANTED us to Hear/and Harp on that you discuss over and over again in your comments to us... that didn't work on most of us....Then you turn around and say that the media is unfair to Palin...everyone who says the media is biased to the left is CRAZY.....we have Keith and Rachel....that is it!!!!!!!!!! Everyone else, even on MSNBC is Republican....most talk radio hosts...Republican. The only reason they say the "media" is biased is because stars who have compassion are Democrats...they are counting their endorsement as part of the media???!!!!!!

Hmmms and Uhhhs do not make Obama stupid...not knowing that Africa is a continent...well...come on!!!!!! That is like me going and saying I would like to run as V.P. when I know only about Tax Laws and nothing about foreign policy, etc. Its not just being a great Orator that got a black man as President to our Country and its not just because the American people are stupid and just watching a reality show and can't read between the lines...You type out the words "Hope and Change" like his campaign message disgusts you...isn't that what we have been whining about for the last eight is not even because he talked about Hope and Change...its because he is a Visionary...that is how he won the votes of white educated thirty something's like myself.

I do not blame Palin, but she allowed herself to be put in this position, she abuses any power she gets out of any office she has held... that's abundantly clear...she even abused any power she had with the McCain campaign....he didn't give a crap about women or women's rights......the Good Ol' Boys usually don't. They picked a woman that would fall in line and do whatever they say...and even their dirty work...which totally disgusts me...I will always have a disgusting picture of her in my head spouting out "Paling around with Terrorist" as gleefully as she could...and being too dumb or too racist to care how that could effect people...and now they are using her as a scape goat for their losses.....the Republicans are...and at the same time wondering how they can use her again if they need to to get some sort of power back in four years. So if you want to be mad at someone for doing wrong against should blame the good ol' boys and Palin herself....not the media and Barack Obama....there was a lot of places he could have been drug down into the dirt and called her out...and he chose to Rise above....that's called a Leader.

1:13 PM

Blogger Cafe Observer said...

I wish we could value all people, women especially-my best friends, with respect & fairness without having to resort to cheap shots, and name calling. And, without taking on the all-knowing brain when it comes to another's heart/motivations.

First of all, I know this can be a weakness of mine when I get emotionally carried away. Something happens when we learn another person is different in some single way than us, or just when we get behind the steering wheel.

The Repubs (GWB, McC) appeared to be gracious losers this week. Let's be both good losers as well as good winners. Not winers. Celebrate, yes. But, not at the expense of alienating those we want to see our angle of an issue.

Already, BO doesn't appear to be the wunderful pol I thought when I 1st heard him in the Demo convention 4 yrs ago. But, let's all play fair with good character across the politico spectrum.

I hang out with all kinds of weirdo's (those of different pol/rel views) and try not to assume the worst of them. Break bread, share drink w/'em all. I try to treat others the way I would want to be treated - good, fair, considerate, etc.-though I still fail much too much.

It appears most of us need to work directly on our selves at least as much as we want politicians to work for our fellow citizens.
Enuf of me. I'm getting sick of hearing myself. U2, maybe!

A final suggestion: I'll hold a course for y'all called "The Way of Dog." Normally, I charge $499 for this. But 4 U my co-bloggies, I'll offer it for 1/2 price!

Back to de Cafe Life.

1:59 PM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

I never said anyone here is brainwashed. I am commenting on the media tropes and memes that are repeated here and elsewhere as evidence that we are not covering all sides of the story.

And hope and change do not disgust me NIkki -- but I detest the campaign's simplicity of resorting to "Hope and change" when anyone asked for more details -- which was a lot during the primaries, of which I was blogging like mad and reading just about everything I could to try to get the facts.

When I go to a doctor, I want him to tell me the procedure I need to heal, not keep repeating he's the doctor of "healing and wellness" and give me a first year med school primer on anatomy as explanation for what he plans on doing when I'm under anesthesia.

I also expect liberals to actually be liberals. If one want to call one's self a centerist, great. But they shouldn' angrily argue that Obama is a liberal when, in fact, he most definitely is not. Many of the talking points Obama's camp put out about Hillary and Bill were the same things Hannity said years ago as a mouthpiece for the Republicans. And Obama didn't exactly stand up and protest the grotesque stuff said about Palin in his name by all his mouthpieces. He didn't condemn the "Sarah is a Cunt" T-shirts sold and worn at his rallies. Nor did he even acknowledge Hillary in his acceptance speech. That's shitty, and it doesn't matter that he's a symbol of hope for African Americans -- he's also a backward step for feminists in his behavior -- or lack of condemnation -- during this whole thing.

As for Palin saying what she said. Yeah. It was very uncool. But so was Obama allowing his minions all over the net and on the air to trash Hillary. I was following these blogs for years BEFORE this election and all through the primary when some of my friends who blog were banned from Daily Kos for being pro-Hillary and some of their colleagues received death threats from those wonderful "orogressives" many of you now take up for. I was right there as the liberal movement was splintered by sexist assholes at Kos and Huffington Post and when Rahm Emanual -- now the chief of staff for Obama -- said those Clinton voters should go away or just "stick to thier knitting." Imagine anyone saying Obama supporters should "stick to their fried chicken and rap music" and maybe you can see why this is awful.

I said I'd get behind this Obama administtation -- but not without calling bullshit where I see it and there is a LOT OF BULLSHIT despite his wonderful symbolism and decent tax plan.

I am against corruption, sexism and war. I'm for fairness, truth and honor in the fouth estate, our media. Every single thing I've argued here and elsewhere stems from those things. I can also at the same time be excited about hope, and disgusted by hypocrisy.

2:54 PM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

Roy, Joe the Plumber is not required to have a license -- and whether you or I would hire him to unclog our sewer line is not the point. Though, I did once pay my neighbor who an unlicensed handyman to snake my drains once -- and show me how many of you with housecleaners pay their social security taxes and issue w2s or I99s? Or do you just cut them a check every week and not ask questions?

Standards, people. I'm looking for the same set of standards applied to all. Joe was planning on buying Newell Plumbing and Heating in Toledo and that was what prompted his tax question to Obama. That's the uninteresting story. The media made it sound like he was a corrupt businessman when he hadn't broken any laws, and went after his past with all the ferocity of McCarthy rooting out commie screenwriters in Hollywood. I think that's crap. And downright un-American. ANd it doesn't matter that I'm a liberal and shouldn't dis people working supposedly for "my" side. If O'Reilly went after anyone who questioned MCCain, can you tell me you'd think it was okay?

3:36 PM

Blogger Cafe Observer said...

I dunno how it is out in Joe de Plumbers's state, but back here in SoCal an employee doesn't need 2 B licensed -only the owner/operator of de business.

Today's media is so vast & yet so info starved, they will take any incomplete single ingredient of info and attempt to cook-up 4 U a Thanksgiving dinner of a story. And often all they offer is some cheap, fast food which we eat up as being so great.

Are these prof journalists? Do they really know what they're doin? Or, do they have some not so hidden agenda. I've always heard how the great majority of the media are liberal/demos. How would everyone feel if it were the reverse...

Love & Truth have to be our 1st principles, not politicians, political philosophy, gossip, mud-throwing, etc.

Remember: this was a very good week!

6:30 PM

Blogger Dixie Jane said...

I wouldn't touch all of this rhetoric with even an eight foot pole. I am just not enlightened enough on the facts and issues to make an intelligent comment or rebuttal. But just allow me to interject a few words off the subject. Anyone whose favorite comfort food is moose stew can't be all bad. Signed, Joe's wife.

8:06 PM

Blogger Cafe Observer said...

DJ, I was wundering if Joe D. Plumber was married!

It's good 2 have a dog-lover over on this side. Moose steeeeww? sounds almost better than dog food.

12:16 AM

Blogger Yakpate said...

Laurie: by "voodoo pins" I assumed you meant criticisms... so, yes, you certainly have some, my little devil's advocate!

It does seem from your comments that you view Obama as an enemy, and the DNC as a sellout, and that nothing will change your mind... am I wrong?

In any case, let's give the man a chance to stand or fall on the outcome of his actions as President, which we have yet to see, yesterday's press conference notwithstanding.

8:51 AM

Blogger Mister Earl said...

Wow, Laurie, you've said quite a lot. Joe the Plumber mis-represented himself. He tried to pass himself off as a guy who was ready to buy a plumbing business and who would be hurt by taxes on those earning over $250,000. But he wasn't that. He's a guy who's just getting by. Most people in his line of work would want to be licensed. He also owes back taxes. He's not really a guy you'd want to hold up as an example. And he's certainly not who he said he was.

I don't agree about Palin, and I don't think it's "blame the woman." I don't know how bright she is, but she certainly isn't curious about the world. She come across as mean spirited and divisive. When asked why she didn't have a passport until a year ago, she could have said, "You know, I had to work to make ends meet, and I never had the means to take a trip like that when I was younger." Instead, she attacked "Those people who buy their kids backpacks and send them off to Europe the minute they finish college." This tells me she's an angry, bitter person, who resents people who aren't like her. Some of her answers to questions were typical of a high school kid who has no interests other than boyfriends and clothes. I hope she's learned something from this campaign, but I can assure you, the prospect of her becoming president scared a lot of people and did serious damage to peoples' view of McCain's judgment.

9:46 AM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

Yak, I do not view things in terms of enemy and friend. That's the kind of high school football rivalry mentality in politics that makes my toes curl.

I've tried to express this before and I'll try again. I think Obama is an amazing politician, a great symbol for the African American community and a healing face to put on the United States after our awful racial history. He also is one of the most powerful movers of people I've ever seen -- a great organizer of others and motivator of the people. I have repeatedly said that the movement he created is amazing, phenomenal and something not everyone can do.

But he is the product of a corrupt system, a pandering media (except for the Right side of the media which hates the Democrats and panders to the Right) and hardly the progressive he sold himself as. I am staunchly anti-war, particularly anti-illegal war -- Iraq -- and unwinnable quagmire -- Afghanistan. He has backtracked on his plans to end the war, and he did nothing while in the Senate to end the war, and he is making insane statements about Afghanistan right out of a Bush henchman's mouth. Plus, he is advised by Breziniski, who is a very scary dude. I don't like sabre rattling -- which he does about Iran and Pakistan.

I also fear the same old Friedman freemarket neoliberal economic fantasies that he and his advisors believe -- which are hardly liberal positions. I don't like the fact that he lies, like every other politician, but is pushed as the more honest candidate, or the post-politican politician. I absolutely abhor the sexism that happened in his name, that he didn't speak out against during the primary. He defended the spewing nonsense of Rev. Wright in a big beautiful speech but didn't defend Hillary against his hideous mouthpieces all over the web and TV. This election will be written about as a major stab to the feminist movement. And ust look at the people he's lining up to be his cabinet members -- almost no women, and with crazy sexist lunatics like Summers for Treasury secretary? All the pro-Obama feminist blogs are circulating petitions now to speak up about this. ALso, that the talented women he's considering are all for positions of lesser power. I think Shakesville did an article about this this week. It's bizarre that Bush's cabinet was diverse with women and minorities -- Rice, Hughes, Gonzales, Powell -- and Obama's is lining up to be pretty business as usual old Washington pols. But I have hope that by the time he picks his cabinet, some of these concerns will have reached him.

I think many of his explanations for policies are frankly sophomoric, and I have been troubled by how he always waited to see what the other side said before offering his plan on somehting -- often cribbed from Hillary or Edwards during the primary. I was not impressed with his record in the state senate -- a product of the Daley machine and fully embracing of all those ugly dirty Chicago pols, and completely made into who he is by Emil Jones. I don't care for the fact that he selected Lieberman as his US Senate mentor and actively campaigned against Ned Lamont -- indeed calling Lamont a gadfly. Going back on public finance after he signed his word bothers me. Flipflopping on FISA is unforgivable to the left who put him where he is. His hardliner Isreali anti-Palestine stance worries me -- and is a flip flop from former views, he is pro gun, pro offshore drilling, and massively pro-death penalty. His views on abortion are the same kind of whittle-away-women's-rights as many on the Right and at the very least show an extreme insensitivity to women's issues -- as evidenced by statements that women need to consult with family and pastors before having an abortion. He panders to pro-lifers and Christian extrememists and campaigned with a few frighteningly anti-gay, anti-woman icons. He has been abysmal in standing up for gay and lesbian rights and he barely mentions the million plus working POOR in this country, concentrating instead in a REpublican lite way on the middle class.

Look, I'm not looking for reasons to dislike the man. These are things that have come up as I've read about him, and they give me and many other liberals great pause. That doesn't mean I don't want to give him a chance, and that doesn't mean that I thought McCain should have won. It means that as a lifetime liberal Democrat, I don't believe he adequately represents the party or the people the party is supposed to represent. Clinton was a centerist president who was a big ole liberal at heart. I think there is a big difference between that, and Obama who appears to be a big ole CENTERIST at heart who made his name with the support of liberals.

And keep in mind, your blog is made up of people who are not questioning Obama. I play their role on blogs where the rhetoric is far to the Anti-Obama side. It's just the way I like to get conversation started by looking at all sides of things. Nikki and Stacy here are convinced that I, a lifetime liberal Democrat who walked the precincts IN TEXAS OF ALL PLACES for Jesse Jackson is somehow anti progress, anti Democrat. Please.

I want NOTHING MORE than for Obama to have a fantastic presidency. It will be good for the country. And I've said as much here. I've also said that as a former Jackson supporter I am ECSTATIC at the idea of a black first family in the WHitehouse, just steps away from where slaves were once auctioned. It fills my heart in ways I can't adequately express.

But not discussing the same things that we despise about the Right just because Obama is on "our" side is weird to me.

So no, he's not the enemy. That's just silly. But he is my representative and as such it's my duty to speak out about what I perceive as inconsistancies and outright mistakes. Isn't that what we do in a Democracy? Isn't that the very same muckraking that everyone lauded when people like me were writing/blogging/ranting about Bush?

In my mind, someone isn't automatically my friend if he is a Democrat and automatically an evil overlord if he's a Republican. I'm cautiously optimistic about the future, mainly because of Obama's beautiful following of people worldwide who want to help and make things better. I'm humbled and graced by that. And I've said that, here, too. But I'm a realist and a curious snooping questioner who made my living for almost 2 decades researching and writing about things.

10:18 AM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

Mister Earl! Great to see you here, too. Yak is a brilliant agent provocateur.

10:20 AM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

Oh, and one more thing Yak -- I wrote on my own (mercifully, thankfully non-political)blog after Obama's historic win what I hoped and dreamed for his administration.

10:38 AM

Blogger Mister Earl said...

Laurie - I just read some more of what you said above:

I agree that we don't know who Obama is or what he stands for. That's the problem with our system. A person running for president can't be real and can't get into nuance. Obama did a brilliant job of staying on message and not saying much.

I think Obama can be a great and unifying leader. At least he talks a good game. No one else could do that, and I hope he succeeds, but of course I don't know if he will.

I think Obama was amazing for not responding to McCain's smear campaign with smears of his own. I was worried that it would not work. Luckily it did.

All I knew is that the Republicans had to go. No Republican could have been expected to win this time.

We have to stop these divisive smear campaigns. Obama has perhaps shown us that we don't have to do them to win.

Because I thought we had to throw the Republicans out no matter what, I was concerned that the Dems were down to Hillary and Obama. I didn't think the US was ready to vote for a woman or a black. I am glad I was wrong.

I've never liked Hillary because I think she's more about power than about doing good. She doesn't come across to me as having good core values. Obama strikes me as being more about his values than about power. I could be wrong, but that's my take.

To who say to those of us who don't like Hillary just can't handle a strong woman, I say, "Bullshit." I would vote for Dianne Feinstein and many other women in a heartbeat. To not allow people to dislike a woman based on her personality and views is a sexist view which says, "You must see her only as a woman, not as a person."

Just some thoughts for today.

11:04 AM

Blogger Cafe Observer said...

Mr duke of Earl: I think Joe D. Plumber & Palin D. Politician are simply your average americans, like most of us.

They have their faults, biases, weakneses, challenges, health & family problems, etc - like all of us.

There are reasons to criticize Palin just are there are 4 criticizing our own fav politicians. She has potential for growth unlike most pols. You don't become a mayor & gov w/o having some smarts/saviness.

When pols make speeches with language you mention, I have 2 remind myself they are speakin as politicians who are trying 2 gather money & votes. They are so short of ideas of how to hunt & gather these xcept 2 fall bak on what has been done in the past. So, once again w/o respect for truth/justice/morals/ethics, they are allowed to get away with such actions/talk. In other words, w/o respect for the masses. These are pols so I've come 2 xpect as much. There are xceptions of course. Doesn't mean I like it - I HATE it! There are plenty of things to hate & not tolerate, but that's a reason for the mess we're in. Apathy.

JDP: i don't know if he was ready, right then/now, to get into business for himself. Sounds more like sumthing of a future goal. So, he wanted to know how Washington DC policies would affect him back in his hometown in Ohio. Frankly, I don't think the feds should have anything to do with his small plumbing biz. His concerns should be to addressed by his state & local reps.

When we criticize these two fellow americans we are probably criticizing most of our fellow Americans xcept those who think they are better. And, it's sooo ez to do as a dog looking down my big long nose at this human race.

Now, I could use a nice, comfy B & B with a human to massage my back. Then, get back 2 sum real work that pays!

11:15 AM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

Here's an article articulating why many of us are worried, based on who Obama is leaning toward for key positions. It's no surprise to me, given all of Obama's troubling behind-the-scenes advisors during the campaign who were absolute opposites of his broader message. It's great to celebrate the end of the Bush years -- but not if it's symbolic, only. I believe we must still fight the good fight, and we certainly must hold Obama to the Democratic values we believe in.

Also, take a look at this petition against Summers. I believe this is very important to send Prez-elect Obama this message.

These arent Republican criticisms or the rantings of people looking for problems with Obama. They're valid concerns of liberal Democrats.

I agree with Stacy that we should give Obama a chance and see who he picks ... but once he picks 'em, there is no going back. So make noise while we can.

11:33 AM

Blogger San Diego Farmgirl said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

11:36 AM

Blogger Mister Earl said...

CO - As a sheepherder from Deutschland, what is your opinion on the White House Dog issue? Do you suggest a drug-sniffing dog? A lap dog? A dog that will fit in a ladies purse? Your president needs your advice.

Wouldn't that be something if...picture yesterday's press conference with all those economic experts standing behind Obama...So picture if next week, Obama has a press conference and all the people standing behind him are dog handlers, each with a different breed of dog, or mutt.

11:37 AM

Blogger San Diego Farmgirl said...

Hey E'ryone,

Stacy, I think you see the same thing in Palin that I do: a bright, ambitious but lower-middle class girl from a shitty town who made something big of herself. As a lower-middle class girl from a shitty town, I understand exactly how much work, guts and determination that takes, and I think you & Nikki do too. You also know what Alaska is like, and know it's not some backwoods nothing state. Alaska has major military installations, borders two countries, one of which is our primary world rival, and is a major source of US oil wealth. It has serious social problems, including a large native population that lives in poverty and suffers from alcoholism like natives in the lower 48. It's not uncommon to see drunk Eskimo men staggering down the street in downtown Anchorage at any hour of the day. Whenever you have a large military population, you have scores of hotheaded, horny young men. Alaska is also full of criminals, non-conformists, hippies and others too out-there to make it in "real" America. There are also lots of migrant workers in the fishing industry, mostly Russians and Asians. A friend of mine who grew up in Palin's hometown said the hot young Russian boys would come to town, make a ton of money working on the dangerous fishing boats, buy new Camaros and cool clothes and bed all the local HS girls. Then they'd go back to Russia at the end of the season and abandon an annual crop of knocked up HS girls. Happened every year, but there's no stopping the attraction between bored, small town girls and hot, dangerous out-of-towner boys driving new Camaros and speaking an exotic language. Communists, even! Take THAT, military Dad!

Point is, bimbos aren't allowed power over things that complex and important. I think Palin was moved up from the minor leagues too soon, but she's got the raw talent. And seriously, we're still talkig about the VP loser nearly a week after the election? Don't deny her star power. And don't deny that Hollywood style "it" factor has very much to do with our Presidential elections. We're electing the "face" of America. Kennedy, Reagan, Clinton, Obama: all the great ones have had "it". I think it's a question of whether her lack of interview prep was so bad, she won't get a second chance.

Ladies, we all know damn good and well how many hours she must log in on the treadmill to keep an ass that small after 5 babies. It's hard enough just to fit into those $12,000 suits, I can't imagine where she'd find the time to read or watch anything. I picture her on the treadmill for four hours a night with a baby attached to her tit for the last 20 years.

12:07 PM

Blogger Cafe Observer said...

Sir Earl, I'm glad you asked that berry thought-provoking question.

1st, in this country I'm a BS/politicianherder

2nd, when it comes to K9's, you notice how O'bama, MickeyCain, & even timid Laurie, would not touch this hottest of hot button issues. Wo/man's best friend. Huh! Cowherds, all of 'em!!

Human overpopulation & their spaying/neutering, homeless humans, humans building houses in bear & mtn lion lands!-how are we animals to deal with this! Nothing from these pols, just politicians playing the roles of newsreaders for their speechwriters.

Now, commencement speaker or news anchor--O'bama is my man! He's The Natural for those jobs. Just like Bubba was the natural with other jobs.

3rd, yes- I'm all for a Dog in the next white House. It's especially important with this new, inexperienced prez to have one of us as his master overlooking his behavior, keeping him on a short leash. Better 1 of us than one of his 1st couple of dreadful appointees molding him into their own likeness.

Now, what's gone wild in Alaska I dunno. Gotta ck with my Grizzlies & Polar Bears 2 see if they've been too permissive with the human invaders into their land.

Humans, and felines, have to understand that, This is a Dog's World!, no matter who you think you are.

12:31 PM

Blogger Mister Earl said...

CO - Are you familiar with the Kurt Vonnegutt short story, I think it was in Welcome to the Monkey House, where the dogs invented everything for the humans but decided to let the humans run things because they realized that life would be a lot easier if you could just hang out and didn't have to worry about every thing?

That also reminds me of the George Carlin line, "What does a dog do on his day off? His JOB is to lie around!"

1:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please don't tell me what I am convinced of. PLEASE!!!!... Back Atcha...(Palin Speak). I just don't agree with some of the things you say and try to point out the reasons why I don't agree. On the one hand you aggressively search for every negative thing you can find about Obama and stick to it like glue and on the other hand you try to find the good in Palin/ forgive me if it's been hard to see the liberal in you sometimes!!! Actually, what I have been thinking is that you are still mad that Hillary didn't win and haven't moved on from that. I don't care if you like Obama or if you are a liberal or not a liberal. But don't speak on Palin like you have any respect for the qualities she may or may not possess and then spout out that you are some hard core liberal feminist!!!! Palin is against everything that a feminist would/should stand for based on the issues. You say Obama is against women and I just don't get it. He clearly adores his wife, he held his grandmother in the highest regard, he seems to treat his daughters like queens its obvious just in the way he looks at them. Just because he beat Hillary does not make him against women. Just because he has chosen NOT to engage in smears..he has stood by his word on that. He didn't get dragged down in it with Hillary or the I just don't see it!! As far as abortion goes Right Wing Christians(half my family here in KY) were putting out tons of literature that Obama scored a big fat 0 when it came to Pro-Life issues and that they should vote against him on that issue to say on here that he would vote to strip away those rights just makes no sense to me!!!
Anyway, we are all friends here..and I wouldn't care if you were to the left or right...all cool with me! I live in KY...I have plenty of friends and family members that are so far to the right I can't even find them half the time!!!!!

4:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ballbuster...I agree with you on Palin....we should stop talking about her...but I also think if she was smart she would stop giving interviews right now if she wants to salvage anything for future runs...but as a liberal (apparently I am even a moderate one) I would never, never, never want her to run or see her hold even the Senate seat that is going to be up for grabs much less a higher office than that!!! Smartened up or not!!!!

4:31 PM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

Nikki, I've laid out my opinion pretty clearly, based on economics, feminism, and basic liberal ideology. As for feminism, sigh, I have NO idea where to begin. Loving your wife does not make you a feminist and hating a candidate's policies are totally different than condoning sexist behavior toward her. You can dislike the woman's policies and totally respect how she came to her position. I could point you to some great feminist stuff to better explain it because I obviously completely suck at it -- not surprising since I get almost no sleep and try to fit these comments in when my daughter is watching Dora. The sources that I find interesting are the book Backlash, The Feminism 101 blog, Shakesville along with Feministing, too. I am thrilled with all the new feminists and how intent they are on making women's lives better -- not just in terms of reproductive rights but working conditions and help for families. I've been involved in the feminist movement since I was in junior high - and submitted stories to Ms. Magazine -- and the latest wave of feminists inspires me. Lately, my feminist activism consists of giving money to women candidates I believe in and blogging, but I used to be quite involved. Hell, I actually burned my sister's bra for show and tell in the 2nd grade and read from Betty Friedan. So, with that said, something can be great and tremendous and wonderful for racial equality and simultaneously have problems with sexism. You've read the history of the civil rights movement, right? This goes way back -- as women were asked to step aside for the greater cause and hope that they'd be able to piggyback on it. Look at the history of socialism, too, where women were asked to give all to Socialism which would solve women's issues and all they got was having to work full time and STILL take care of their families. A great book on women's history is WHo Cooked the Last Supper. There is so much great stuff about this online - by writers far more gifted and with more sleep and less of a fussy preschooler than I. I'm too exhausted to try and explain it any more but the sexism in the primary and in this election is well documented at the Sexism Watch seriew over at and also at Shapely Prose and Feministing. ReclusiveLeftist also has a LOT about it. You may choose to disagree, and I respect you for that and support you, because -- as Melissa McEwan says, that's how feminism works.

I stick up for Palin as a woman who deserves respect when I see people calling her bimbo, picking apart her looks, questioning her as a mother, calling her stupid and talking about her as a sex object -- I do NOT stand up for or condone her Reaganesque politics. I think Ballbuster explained very well why I respect Palin, and I've been following her for a while. I mentioned before that I respected Margaret Thatcher, too -- but I couldn't stand her politics.

Of course I point out what is positive about McCain or Palin -- because I believe in playing fair and while I don't agree with conservative philosophyt of government, I can concede when something is a decent idea. I don't think that Republicans are all evil and I don't believe all Democrats are good. (I've said before: Every rotten ex-boyfriend I had was a true Democrat.) WHen blogs veer into the us vs. them territory, I tend to become devil's advocate. It's an irritating habit, I know. On right-leaning blogs, like I've said, I point out positives in Obama becuase I think debate is healthy and interesting.

I respect everyone's opinion, here -- even Roy who calls me sweetheart to try and piss me off. (I'm from Texas. Everyone calls you sweetheart, there.) I spent my youth arguing with Republicans because I was always the lone liberal in the room. You say I have to "search" for anything negative about Obama and sadly, that's just not true. I'd have to stop reading every social justice and peace website, magazine and newsletter -- and all the feminist publications -- if I wanted NOT to come across this stuff. If you agree with the basic liberal feminist stuff I've mentioned -- it's not difficult to find things to give one pause. ANd also not hard to find the nice stuff, too, but that is already spread around so thick already by everyone else. I'm delirious about the good vibe going on this week, and all the people who are jumping on the bandwagon. This can only be good for our country. You saw those posts of mine too, right?

Look, i've never been 100% behind ANY politician. I made the mistake of blindly claiming the REpublicans were making up the MOnica story about Bill ... and learned a powerful lesson about depending on politicians. It's just not my nature to get touchy-feely about people I believe by definition are not to be trusted. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE for the Obama administration to do everything you believe it will and more. I hope it does because it would be so great for the entire world. While we're waiting to see if that happens, I can't help but point out pesky little troubling things like godawful cabinet appointment contenders and bad policy decisions and questionable advisors and the glaring LACK OF WOMEN IN OBAMA'S CIRCLE. Maybe Obama will wise up about some of these issues that liberals like me are harping about -- especially since NOW he doesn't HAVE to say anything/appease anyone to get elected -- the argument from progressives about why we should still vote for him. One thing is certain -- if we didn't bitch about these things, he'd never have reason to do anything differently and we'd get Summers as Treasury Secretary. We still might. But I have a feeling Obama doesn't really want to alienate the base who brought him to the public arena in the first place, and first funded his campaign. That's what I'm hoping for, anyway.

7:51 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good glad to hear it!!! :) I think what I learned in my younger days and what yak has taught me over the years will have to suffice for now on my education on feminism...I have not one but TWO toddlers to take care and my like you I have NO TIME!!! UGH!
I know feminist don't agree with the guy who said women weren't good at math...and I agree with you that is a dumb thing to say and a sexist thing to say. I still don't think that makes Obama himself a sexist. I think he is worried about the economy and right now the only thing he is thinking is who in the heck is smart enough to know all the ends and outs...who can I get to advise me to get me out of this mess!!!! That is what I think he is thinking...well I know that is what I would be thinking anyway! I also think one of the best examples to people on wether or not a man is sexist is how he treats and regards his wife and mother, the women around him. I really do think you can look to that as an ultimate example of what a man thinks about far as equality goes.
Anywho..nothing is going to bring me down form my good mood and my renewed hope in America...YES WE DID! YES WE DID! YIPPEEE:):):)

5:29 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Laurie, I do no think you are not a democrat or that you are anti progress...And props to you for walking the precincts for Jesse Jackson.
We are excited about Obama. We are happy to have a man in the Whithouse who promises to tackle all the issues that are important to us. You try to make it sound like we are uneducated or unenlightened because we dont spend hours on the computer researching political pros and cons. We do not have the time to do that. We made our choice.
He is our President. You dont have to like it, but it is what it is.
I know he is not Hilary and sexism is an issue in our society. However, he is an African American and that is a big issue as well. When I saw my 17yr old son's (who's father is African American),reaction to this victory , I knew instantly that America had done something monumental. In his eyes I saw how important this was. In his eyes I saw some doubt disappear. Like many African Americans that I know, he was excited about the prospect but didnt think it would actually happen. And when he saw the percentage of voters who turned out he was amazed. And, when he saw that almost half of white voters cast ballots for Obama I could see the surprise and releif in his eyes. That is what "THAT ONE" has done so far. If he gets in there and screws up royally than you can have the pleasure of telling people like me and Nikki that we were wrong....Until then, why can't we wait and see what he does or does not do before we condemn his presidency? I mean the man has not even been sworn in yet for God's sake.

8:41 AM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

Hi girls,

I think you both have the idea that I'm all or nothing about Obama. I'm not. I have laid out why I am cynical and skeptical, and certainly laid out the ways he is NO progressive Democrat. But I also have expectation that he COULD be great, if enough of his base make demands that he stick to the core principles that his early followers believed he represented. I can never cut him slack if he chooses Summers. It goes way beyond sexism about that guy -- read up on his economic theories and his history. He's about the LEAST liberal choice out of a sea of qualified candidates. Obama picks him -- and he is making a definite statement about exactly who he is and what he believes. (please please please sign that petition!!!)

I didn't want to get upset so soon after the overwhelmingly exciting possibility of election day. Rahm Emanual was a kick in the face to the entire netroots organizations that MADE Obama who he is. To not mention it, or just hope for the best, is just not something I can do.

That said --all of what I've said, said -- I have expectation that Obama can be a great president. I will keep harping and writing letters and making points when I think he is faltering because that's what we all should do. I have hopes that he will succeed because he's a really smart guy capable of moving masses of people. Amazing. But if he doesn't succeed, I won't be crushed by it either because I have my cynicicm as a shield and I'm a middle aged Democrat who gave up my illusions about heroic politicians somewhere after "I did not have sex with that woman Ms. Lewinski."

The sexism I mention is not solely about Obama's personal behavior, it's about what became institutionalized and acceptible by his mouthpieces during the primary and the campaign. Take some time to read all the points on the Sexism Watch at Shakesville because McEwan and company have complied the best history so far. Stace, as much as you are thrilled for your son -- and I am thrilled, too, I have tears just writing that sentence -- I want that same hope for my daughter. I want her to have a world that doesn't always relegate her to the roles of good girl or whore. I want her to not have to scrape and pull and fight and deal with DAILY harassment in jobs and raped by dates who think it's their privilege, and wonder if she should actually prosecute if she gets date raped because everyone will say it is her fault, and watch while men take the job she's qualified for and every other part of what all three of us grew up with as "just the way things are." These are feminist issues every bit as important as reproductive rights and our little girls deserve not to be expected to just shut up and take it. This is every bit as important to me as racial equality and gay rights. I've read a lot of women's history and I know how women so often get Stockholm Syndrome about their oppressors -- I"ve done it too -- and I also know how easy it is for men to just gloss over misogyny and sexism, throw a bone of chivalry and call it progress and meanwhile continue the organized oppression that many women feel is as natural as gravity at this point. It would not detract from Obama's historic win for African Americans to do the right thing and call out the sexism in this campaign -- he can, he WON -- and also include more qualified, smart women in his cabinet. I will reserve judgement until I see who he selects ... and like I said before, I have every hope that he'll get the message about this before he chooses.

The same goes for my feelings about the war. Obama has capitulated and done a 180 on what was his actual point for running. He was so smart he was against the war. Hillary was so dumb whe was for it. Bill Clinton's government was part of the "old washington." Remember all those endless speeches? Well, now he's bringing on CLinton's most center-right people and saying he only wants to remove combat troops from Iraq, leave mercenaries and half of our troops -- the non combat ones -- bring in MORE mercenaries and start a huge war in Afghanistan. Meanwhile, Bush has extended the war on terror into Syria with little reporting adn Obama will inherit this. Every day that we as a nation celebrate, more innocents are blasted into blood and viscera in our name and I can't bear it. Ever since the first boy I ever loved was killed in the Beirut bombings of 1983, war has been very personal to me. THat event wasn't an incident I read in the paper, an impersonal part of necessary US policy, it was a tragic slaughter of a brilliant 19 year old who should never have been there.

This could be such a cool sea change for EVERYONE. People are so generous to Obama, so willing to follow his lead -- he's the most impressive leader I've ever seen. He can certainly use that charisma and star power to address these issues, and really change things. I'd give anything if his behavior in the last few days indicated that he was, in fact, a rebel intent on changing things. But his choices haven't demonstrated that.

But still, I have great hope. ANd great expectation. Because this is a remarkable time and Obama is a remarkable person. Just because he pisses me off doesn't mean he can't inspire me with what he does next. Isn't that what hope is all about, anyway?

11:07 AM

Blogger Mister Earl said...

LA - It does bother me that the Secretary of Treasury would be someone who supported de-regulation and has other issues as well. I have forwarded the link to two women friends of mine who were staunch Hillary, then Obama, supporters.

12:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think his win is just a great victory for African Amercians...I feel his win is a Victory for ALL of us. And the steps toward Equality keep marching on...

2:24 PM

Blogger Mister Earl said...

It better be for all of us. Otherwise, we're in big trouble!

2:35 PM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

YES YES YES! This is the kind of liberal plans I've been hoping to see!

See, I can give credit where it's due -- and this something that makes me want to dance the happy dance of hopeful hopey-ness and changety change change change from unconstitutiional nonsense of Bush.

I'm still not happy with the idea of a hybrid system outside the court, but at least this has the promise of more transparancy -- and I can take baby steps if I have to, at least it's progress away from that MIdieval torture prison.

10:46 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

So long everyone, I'm moving to Alaska (no Internet there I'm told) just so I can vote for Ms. Palin to replace Ted Stevens. I really do want her to stay on the world stage. After all, she's nice to look at and who else will SNL have to make fun of?

Seriously, I want her out and about cause you betcha I can't wait to see her smarten up.

1:46 PM

Blogger Cafe Observer said...

I hope BO makes US - US citizens -his 1st concern on his to do list before any terrorists stuck in prison.

Until then, my fellow shepherds will continue their guard duty.

In my humble opinion, Sarah would be an improvement over Teddy.

7:04 PM

Blogger Mister Earl said...

This is an actual quote from an article today: "Palin's father, Chuck Heath, said his daughter spent the day Saturday trying to figure out what belongs to the RNC. 'She was just frantically ... trying to sort stuff out,' Heath said. 'That's the problem, you know, the kids lose underwear, and everything has to be accounted for.'"

I'm not going to make any comments about the Palin kids being unable to keep track of their underwear.

8:51 PM

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