As in a tasty mix of talk

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Short, Sad Hoax of Ashley Todd

The significance of the Ashley Todd non-story is not that she followed the example of Susan Smith and others in assuming no one would question her claim that a black man had violated her: It is in the way the incident was leaked and then reported almost exclusively by the Right Wing media.

The closing remark in these prematurely reported stories was consistent: “Police reports have not yet confirmed it.” So… how did the Right Wing media uncover it? The answer is, they didn’t. The story was spoon-fed to them by McCain operatives… In the state of Pennsylvania… where racism remains a viable factor, apparently, for Republicans willing to exploit a fragile and unstable young woman to stir up deal-breaking fears among voters.

It would be instructive, if not for the likelihood that Ms. Todd’s eggshell mind might crack under the pressure, to ask her whether she dreamed up her B-grade play on her own, or had help. She strikes me as someone who offered herself up for sacrifice to save the world from God knows what, had second thoughts about it, and wobbled off script.

Meanwhile, CNN anchor Rick Sanchez named the outlets that not only reported but actively pushed the Ashley Todd hoax. In addition to explaining why his station didn't report the story, Sanchez slammed Hugh Hewitt, the conservative radio talk show host who appeared on CNN Thursday and blamed "that side" (i.e. the Democrats) for engaging in "extraordinarily" disturbing acts.

"Part of the story is the fact that it was reported by the media," said Sanchez. "We would not be telling the story now had it not been carried by so many outlets…. it was mentioned on… Fox News, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and Newsday. And also radio talk show hosts went on their radio stations and talked ad infinitum about the story."

While Fox et al are wiping the egg off their faces, many in the blogosphere are not deterred by leaning that Ashley’s story is a hoax. I’m not sure how to characterize some of these blogs, except by pointing out that they share a common hatred for Obama. Many now claim that, Ms. Todd’s lies notwithstanding, misogyny is rampant in Obama’s campaign (as if Obama’s campaign had anything to do with the attack, even if the story HAD been true).

Obama haters also like to point to the backroom deal they imagine was made between Dean and Obama to steal the nomination from Hillary. If any such deal was made (I can’t prove it wasn’t, haters can’t prove it was), it was in line with the usual struggle over political power, not an expression of hatred for Hillary as a woman. And Hillary, still a formidable politician, is supporting Obama, which I doubt she would do if she thought misogyny played any role in his beliefs or campaign.

Those who fear that some nefarious conspiracy has placed Obama within reach of the Presidency should ask themselves why it appears that publication of Ashley’s story was coordinated among McCain operatives and various news sources on the Right. The effort to manipulate racial fears is a lot scarier than the so-called misogyny of a man who has been endorsed by both NARAL and Planned Parenthood, two organizations not unknown for their support of women.

I would respectfully ask all who think Obama is a misogynist: Please examine your inner feelings to make absolutely certain that some shred of racism, painful to acknowledge, isn’t fueling your fears.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder what was their first clue it was a hoax??!! Hmmmmmm....
I like in KY, there is racism prevelant here and it has always disgusted me...somehow, I hit the jackpot when it came to parents because they did not instill that fear in me! I feel strongly that I would have rebelled if they had tried to, but unfortunately some people that I know were not so lucky...and not so rebellious. They are not the typical "redneck" racist that you would think of when you picture it in your head (we do have those too) but yet the kind that claim not to be racist until their kid comes home from school and asks to spend the night with one of the African American kids...then the fears surface. For me, the ignorant people who are racist can be dealt with easy, they are un-educated and at least you can say to yourself, well they are un-educated and that's how they were raised. But the educated, usually friendly, nice people who are secretly racist...that's a little more difficult...I have such a hard time wondering why they can't move past it, why they pretend not to KNOW that all people are they can't see that we are ALL just varying shades of brown???!!!! I have an especially hard time with those people, because they seem to be without compassion.

2:41 PM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

What made the Ashley story believable to the alternative media was the fact that there are so many other stories of rage against McCain supporters that are barely reported. (Same as there are stories of rage against Obama supporters.) This campaign has brought out the worst in some -- as well as the best in others. All in all a great look at how good/bad, right/wrong virtually EVERYONE is.

None of us know what happened with Ashley. At first, I was outraged and then it took all of ten minutes to check my feelings, start snooping and see that there was a big rat to the story. But I still don't know what happened. I think she could have been threatened to lie, or paid off ... from EITHER side. It doesn't change the hideous things that have happened to others, though. Each side insisting only the other side does such horrific things. (Please.)

As to the patent misogyny inherent in the Obama Blogger Boyz -- well, if you can't see it, then nobody will ever convince you otherwise. It's what made the presidents of local chapters of NOW here in Los Angeles and Oregon, as well as the former editor of MS Magazine endorse McCain. If you already have a thesis in mind before you look at the evidence, you can prove either point. What I see is that there are a hell of a lot of misogynists, sexists and racists still among us, and this election has opened Pandora's Box.

Melissa McEwan has covered the misogyny aspect from Obama's campaign and from the folks over at Daily Kos, MSNBC etc. Daily Kos' sexism and threats to Hillary bloggers there splintered the progressive blogosphere. A lot of the "haters" Pat mentions have also had death threats. And yes, a lot of people went off the deep end into abject, unreasonable hatred of Obama. A lot of others went into denial over what actually DID happen.

But for god's sake, it's not always racism that makes people question the DNC's choice of Obama. Many of the people who despise Obama are supporting Cynthia McKinney. A couple of the most ridiculous anti-Obama websites are run by minority students -- Stop Obama, for example. (Those kids are right out of Ayn Rand scary -- but they actually nail a couple of valid points among all the mudslinging.)

I have not seen a single credible feminist writer who didn't mention what happened to Hillary. The thing is, most of them shut up and got in line behind the Dems because they figured they had no choice. (Taylor Marsh went from rabid Obama hater to rampant supporter as soon as he was made the candidate. We're talking ONE DAY. It was bizarre to see the blog suddenly turn opposite what it was the day before.)

Feministe, Feministing, Shakesville, Reclusive Leftist, Alegre, Angalachael, Angry Black Bitch -- they're all widely read feminist bloggers who have been able to acknowledge the very real problem with the DNC-approved misogyny in this campaign and discuss it at length. Some never got on board with Obama because of it. Others are hoping it's the minions, not the man, who are to blame. ALL of them acknowledge that feminism has been set back by this election and by the way HIllary AND Palin have been treated. All of them lament that so many women are unwilling to acknowledge it.

As for Hillary supporting Obama. COme on, the woman is married to an ex-president and a lioness of the Democrats. Like she CAN'T support the nominee. I think we all know what the rules are when it comes to playing the game. I'd do the same thing if I were in her shoes, because it would be the only way I could continue my work.

INcidentally, for every Obama hater blog you mention -- there are any number of reasonable conservatives who look at blogs like this and wonder why so many liberals are off the deep end with hatred for McCain and Palin.

I think all of us can agree that we hate Bush, though. In the end, he really was the great uniter.

4:10 PM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

Not to open a hornet's nest, but what does everyone think about the Secret Service reporting that they couldn't corroborate Dana Milbank's story of someone saying "kill him" at the McCain rally? A lot of the fringe anti-Obama crowd used this as some sort of proof that there is no racism in this campaign. Uh, yeah, right.

I see the same thing happening with the Ashley story. Conflate her with all the other stories and suddenly that pesky sexism problem just vanishes.

Personally, I think Milbank did hear someone yell "kill him" even if nobody else could corroborate it. He's a pretty hardcore Democrat, but I don't think he'd make that up. Also, even if he was mistaken, that doesn't mean there aren't people who really do feel that way. Much as I don't personally like Obama, I sure as hell want him safe. My mom and I were both worried about why on earth he keeps booking all these big outdoor events with all the nuts out there.

5:16 PM

Blogger Yakpate said...

I do not hate McCain or Palin. I abhor many of their views, so I satirize them at every opportunity... seems like a better way to express my disagreement than disingenuously labeling them terrorists, as they have done to Obama (McCain's momentary attack of conscience during a televised speech notwithstanding).

Neither do I claim there is no sexism in either campaign or in the media, although it's true I am more focused on other issues, such as the urgent need to reverse recent abuses of Presidential power and various assaults on our Constitution.

My point about many blogger claims of sexism in the Obama campaign is that they are fear-based to the point of hysteria, and thus are suspect, in my opinion, of being projections of other, different fears.

My intuition that these projections are race based stems from the fact that, when Hilary was being savaged by the press more viciously than anything that has been thrown at Sarah Palin, the bloggers were indignant, as they should have been... but not hysterical. Let me repeat that descriptor... HYSTERICAL. Yet now that Obama is the candidate and the Hillary-bashing has ended, suddenly Obama is the big, vicious misogynist? This is irrational, and that makes it suspect.

Sexism takes many forms. When Pat Buchannon raves on-air about how hot Sarah is, about how much he loves her, and grins when the other newscasters kid him about his crush, this, too, is sexism... but apparently a more acceptable version.

It is obvious to me that, at this point, anyone who visits or comments on this blog already has a thesis in mind. That's OK with me.

7:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

McCain had nothing to do with the hoax. Sadly his campaign in Pennsylvania managed to involve themselves after the fact.

Both candidates have been attacking.

Perhaps it's time to assess the real reason Obama's attacks stick while McCain's ricochet.

10:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't see how any feminist could even slightly be on the side of Palin??!!! She is for repression of Women's rights! Wasn't it Joe Biden who wrote the Violence against Women Act??!! I mean if we want to pick our President, based on their VP's and we want to pick based on the fact that we are Feminist...someone please tell me why Joe Biden would not be our choice?!! I just think its ridiculous and I think it is SEXIST to go with Palin just because she is a woman then go with Biden who actually cares about Women's rights. Just sayin...

7:36 AM

Blogger Yakpate said...

Laurie: thank you for stirring the pot once again!

During the primary, when Keith Olbermann criticized Hillary so vehemently, I sent him a lot of outraged emails accusing him of being sexist.

But it never once occurred to me that he was calling for her murder. To suggest this is to perfectly exemplify an hysterical reaction.

Among Webster's definitions of hysteria is: unmanageable fear or emotional excess.

But, wait a minute... is this a Freudian lapse of memory on my part? I had forgotten that the root word for hysteria is the Greek word hystera, meaning womb. Now I remember... Hysteria has been considered uniquely female, i.e., a disturbance of the womb, for thousands of years. So, I hereby rescind my use of this word on purely feminist grounds!!!

What to use instead... referring to Rodale's synonym finder isn't much help. The synonyms listed for hysterical range from maddened to rabid to frothing at the mouth to hilarious to "too much for words."

Is Rodale kidding? No condition is ever too much for words for a wordsmith. So... to suggest that Keith Olbermann called for the murder of Hillary Clinton is... to border on demagoguery.

As for the truth: you describe searching for it as if it were an absolute, like a chocolate truffle wrapped in gold foil. Truth can mean different things to different people at different times. And sometimes, as all seekers know, what is right and what is true are not the same.

I think it is better to seek love than to seek truth. I think it is better to be tolerant than to be right.

9:55 AM

Blogger San Diego Farmgirl said...

JFK was a great president who inspired a generation to public and humanitarian service. And yet, he referred all his female employees as "kid" because he didn't think women were worth the effort of remembering their names.

I wasn't born before JFK was killed, but even with all his scandals, and there were MANY, I think most would agree the country was better off having him as President, yes?

But could JFK even get elected today? Is this 24 hour cable news insanity really the best way? Is the mania worth it?

The 2000 election taught me that the US, like every other government in the world today, or throughout history, is run by a ruling class. That ruling class will do whatever the hell it wants, the people's will be damned.

Have we all forgotten that George W. Bush was not rightfully elected in the first place? How can you have any faith whatsoever in our election process when the president for the past 8 years wasn't lawfully elected? And it's not like he didn't inflict any damage upon the country - he robbed us blind! We could have impeached the bastard YEARS AGO and spared ourselves this financial & economic nightmare, not to mention the baaaad karma we have coming for slaughtering innocent Iraqis and pillaging the country's oil reserves, all under the American flag.

But we didn't. There's no escaping the fact that the Dems COULD have stopped this. Veto schmeto - Bush & Co have a list of legit criminal offenses a mile long. There is no excuse for this man still being in office.


We've had the power to 'change' all along. I refuse to support a party that plays bullshit games like that, sitting around with their thunbs up their butts for 7 goddam years while Bush and his people looted our country. Only when it starts to affect voters to the point where they might vote some Dems out of office - whoa, hey, time to get serious about this "change" stuff.

It's like McCain saying he knows how to catch Bin Laden. Well, catch him already, asshole! That's how I feel whenever the Dems talk about how they're going to bring about change. If they would have stood behind Al Gore in 2000, none of this would have happened. Strike one. They voted for war in Iraq, even when the evidence was, at best, shaky. Strike two. They refuse to pursue impeachment of a president that's so corrupt, it would be funny if it wasn't happening to us. Strike three.

It's not Obama I distrust, it's the Democratic party. Like that "fool me once, shame on you" quote Bush mangled. The Dems have let me down too many times, and shown me they're sell outs and pussies time and time and time again. At best, they're enablers. At worst, they're in on it. Until I see "change" in Democratic leadership, I'm not buying it. Where's the credibility?

10:11 AM

Blogger San Diego Farmgirl said...

Nikki - regarding your comments about racism. Last night, I went out for drinks with some yung'ins - early 20s. I was SHOCKED - absolutely floored - to hear one of them say she thinks all babies are born with exactly the same intelligence, and if people don't go to college, it's just because they're lazy. Everybody is "college material" if they just apply themselves, she said, and there are plenty of scholarships to go around for everybody. There's a scholarship for being left handed, there's a scholarship for being taller than 6'5", she said. People are poor because they're lazy, she said, and she doesn't think any of her tax dollars should go toward to the poor, because they choose to be poor.

And when she says poor, she means black and brown. She frequently used "inner city" when referring to the poor, and in California Republican speak, 'inner city' means 'n-word'.

Oh, and also, she's convinced that Obama is a muslim.

This is not Kentucky. This is San Di-friggin-ego. Sometimes I want to move far, far away to a little unibomber cabin, because exchanges like that one really kill my faith in humanity.

UFO enthusiasts theorize that we're descendants of more than one alien race. Those who believe in peace and love and nature are one species. Those who are heartless and value profit over all else are descendants of another species. Some days, I wonder if that's true, because I cannot for the life of me understand racism or the choice of death in the name of profits.

10:36 AM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

When Olbermann said of the need to get Clinton out of the race "Someone should take her into a room and only one of them should come out" regarding Clinton, I thought -- holy shit. DId he just actually SAY that? And the entire blogosphere erupted with "let's take her out" on Daily Kos and all the other anti-Clinton/Pro-Obama blogs. There are a lot of whack jobs out there, as I'm sure you know. Hell, Olbermann whipped Obama supporters into a frenzy when he said that Hillary was calling for Obama's assassination because of the wretched remark she made about Bobby Kennedy losing the nomination when HE was assassinated. After that, Clinton got death threats.

"Someone should take her into a room and only one of them should come out." He said it, to Dana Milbank, I think. Who nodded in agreement. ANd the blogosphere when insane. Every board I posted to had some young, white Obama supporting guy write something like "We're working on it Keith, man. We're working on it." I even saw a blogger write that he was a former Iraq veteran great long sniper shot and someone else replied to him "Email me immediately. We're making plans."

And COUNTLESS feminists wrote to Obama for him to bloody SAY SOMETHING ABOUT THIS.

Taking someone into a room and only one person comes out. Hmmmm. I don't think it's hysterical to define that for exactly what it is.

And if O'Reilly had said that about Obama, there would have been massive condemnations across the board and he would have been fired. Rightly so.

Sure, we can dismiss it as a "metaphor" or we can acknowledge that Olbermann, knowing full well the level of hysterical (YES, HYSTERICAL) vitriol toward Hillary at that point used his show to advocate, at the very very very least, extreme violence toward her. ANd the best mea culpa he could come up with was that it was a kind of "sports metaphor." Yeah. LIke there are a lot of sports played where you off your opponant in a dark room. There was no mistake -- Olbermann was rallying his base. If one wingnut went off, well, then the cause would have been met.

I am not cool with that. But I guess bordering demagogues wouldn't be.

11:53 AM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

Nikki, I don't think Palin's policies are good for women either. The feminists who supported McCain/Palin site that he put a woman on the VP ticket and he pays his women more equally than Obama or Biden and they think he will be great for small businesswomen. I don't personally agree with those arguments -- but I do see how a woman, any woman, in a position of power is a good thing for the advancement of women. I hated Thatcher with all my soul -- but advanced the cause of women by being a powerful female leader. It's about world perception of what women can do and what positions they hold -- not just about whether the men in power allow them reproductive rights. That's their side of the coin, anyway.

12:12 PM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

I just read what ballbuster wrote.

Say it, sister!!! And I've been horrified by the racist remarks I've heard in Los Angeles for years, too. When my husband and I got married, I actually had someone tell me I was "brave" to marry "outside my race."

Holy shit.

12:17 PM

Blogger Cafe Observer said...

LA, de fact you married o/s your race, is a hint to the substantive person you are. You make this dog proud!

Was it a early mornin typo LA, or did I read you to say Obama was a center-right, winger? From what I've read, O'bama has the most left-wing voting record in de Senate -makes Teddy K old & conservative. It takes quite a far-left winger to do that to TK. If this was no typo, then, LA, it's a reminder you're still a member of that imperfect species -people.

What will history remember Prez Clinton for, more than the impeachment? The Prez who went after bush.

Saw de elder statesman McCain on MTPress this morning. Politics is so much image over substance and his projection is just so losing.

Are the same people who run our financial system also in charge of our political system?

If other nations had the international population demagrophy we had, well, it wouldn't surprise me if their racism made us look like angels.

YP: As for the truth: I am not God so I'm not the "absolute" Truth. But, I'm related in that I AM Dog, so I believe WE can find "objective" truth in most matters of the brain & heart.
God help us if we give up on a belief in Truth. Becuz the pols certainly haven't been a help.


"I think it is better to seek love than to seek truth. I think it is better to be tolerant than to be right." I think we need both for each to have an ultimate meaning & survive. Else, what do you mean by, "love?" I know it's easier to just give up & say, well, forget about the truth, lets's just go with love. Oh girl, if you think we have problems now...

Senator McCain, known for his hot temper and sarcasm, exploded 1 day in de Senate & began to shout, "Half of this Senate is made up of cowards and corrupt politicians!"

All the other Senators demanded that this angry member withdraw his statement, or be removed for the remainder of the day.
After a long pause, the angry McCain flipped/flopped. "OK," he said, "I withdraw what I said. Half of this Senate is NOT made up of cowards and corrupt politicians!"

ballbuster/asskisser: like your m.o. I think your kind is needed to clean house in our govt. But, start with the senate, then the house. You will be doing your fellow citizens a public service.

Ok, this is makin me look for my next meal.

2:40 PM

Blogger San Diego Farmgirl said...

Laurie, had I married your husband, it would have been a step up the social ladder.

2:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ballbuster...I totally agree with you. That is people's arguement against welfare and helping in any way any 'poor' American...they just say they are lazy...I just don't get it either??!! It's like nepotism in Hollywood...Demi Moore's daughter sure will have a better shot at an acting role than I would ever get!!! How people can't see that if you are born in a poor family, you don't have a car, you don't have a way to get to school, you don't have a way to have the nice clothes to wear to the interview, you might talk a little differently...etc., etc. you get my point---it just kills me the way people think! I mean sometimes I am just like WHERE IS YOUR COMPASSION PEOPLE???!!!!!! It is known there is a slim chance in hell to get out of the class of wealth you are born into...unless you marry into it. Damn, I messed up...I knew something was missing from my F'd up marriage...when it was over, I could have at least had that left!!!!!!! Oh well, money or no money...I took the very best parts of him:):)

5:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ballbuster...Just went back and read your last comment about the Dems. I have felt the same way...just sort of in shock of all the stuff we have just let slide by...from the big things you mentioned to other crap too like little hits to abortion clincs and crap like that...That is why I was SO happy that when I went to vote for Hillary or Obama I was thinking OMG not one but TWO democrats that will kick ass and stir up our party..THANK YOU GOD!!!!....I am hoping beyond hope we will get some friggen BALLS now:):):):):)

7:44 PM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

Cafe, no typo. I'm one of the Ned Lamont lefties who find Obama far too center to call himself a liberal. I base this on his slow and steady move away from the left. On FISA, on continuing Bush's faith-based initiatives, with his lukewarm response to the needs of the gay and lesbian community, by his embrace and outreach to anti-gay icons in the campaign, advisors hell-bent on turning Afghanistan into another protracted war to benefit the military industrial complex, the undeniable affection Obama has for Reagan and Reagan-like economic policies, the flipflop on NAFTA, the flipflop on public financing, his ridiculous participation at Warren's fundamentalist hate church forum, increasing right-wing opinions about gun control and support of the (I believe unconstitutional) Supreme Court strike down of DC's gun control law, his sabre-rattling about Iran and Pakistan, his flipflop on nuclear power, his flipflop on offshore drilling, his hiring of the fundamentalist christian Walmart guy Jason Furman as an econ advisor, his endorsement of Isreal occupying East Jerusalem, his long ties to the Chicago School of Friedman freemarket disaster capitalism and unwillingness to break from those advisors, the fact that he dismissed Ned Lamont as "something of a gadfly," and campaigned for Joe LIeberman, the lack of attention to the working poor, all those "present" votes in the state Senate on anything controversial, the fact that he picked Joe Lieberman to be his mentor in the Senate (!?!?!!?), the weird comments about how women should respect the "sacredness of sexuality," and not get abortions "simply because they've got the blues," his initial support of John Roberts...

This is just depressing, so I'll stop. I am TRYING to get fired up about an Obama presidency and all these little niggling reminders jsut make me feel like there is no more Left really left.

8:16 PM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

Nikki, I so agree with you. I really am amazed at how little compassion people have when talking about the poor. Also, with how little realization of how just being born white gives you an advantage you just can't imagine unless... you're NOT white.

8:18 PM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

10:59 PM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

I tried to create a link in that last post but blogger ate it. Check out the above article. This guy is only a tech writer but he takes the MSM to task for not actually reporting in this presidential election. This is the first article I've seen that dare mentions what has happened to the news. I've been ranting for months (who me?) about the corruption of our media.

I think this writer stops short on his blame at the end. It's the corporate owners, in my opinion, to blame. BTW, I wonder how ABC ever let this story go to press? The ghost of Peter Jennings, maybe.

11:05 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

My only comment to date is that this blog should be required reading for the ENTIRE electorate. I, like most of the populus, am not nearly as educated or knowledgeable in the facts about which all of you speak. Perception is reality and unfortunately, how people perceive the truth is always a subjective endeavor. Keep up the good work, people. I learn and am humbled by your vast information and understanding.

6:42 AM


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