As in a tasty mix of talk

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Getting Personal

ALERT: Anyone feeling the need for comfort as they watch upcoming election returns might take the advice of Café Observer and adopt a shelter dog to watch them with you… thereby enjoying the knowledge that, no matter what the election outcome, you have given a fellow creature a home and stirred some genuine happiness into the boiling pot of the universe.

Now, let’s get personal:

I am WAY past due for thanking all of you who have visited my blog and commented… not just in reply to my posts, but to each other.

I had no idea, when I started this blog, that readers would comment to each other more than to me! But I’m glad it’s worked out that way, because it’s clear that we’ve all learned a lot from the exchange of ideas. So, gentle and not-so-gentle readers:

StacyT: Thank you for comments that remind me of what I have always known… that you are kind-hearted and generous and could teach the rest of us a thing or two about tolerance, a virtue the world needs more than ever now. You don’t just talk tolerance… you live it every day.

NikkiS: Thank you for the brilliance and insight you have shown by agreeing with almost everything I say! Since I know how smart you are, this reassures me that I am on the right track.

Laurie: Thank you for courageously forging ahead with your views, proving that there are always two sides (or more!) to every opinion. You are a blogger extraordinaire in your own right ( and I am proud that we are friends.

Ballbuster/asskicker: Thank you for busting balls from the Marine Corps to the blogosphere, for proving that “French” people (OK, fringe) don’t just show up at Mcain/Palin rallies, and for being related to me. I am rich in nieces!

Voice of Raisin: Thanks for taking time from your efforts to champion equal rights by commenting on my blog with remarks like: “It amazes me that the right wing LOVES to talk about fighting for freedom but doesn't want people to be free to make basic decisions about their personal lives.” Vote NO on Pogrom 8, OK y’all?

Roy: Thank you for injecting some much-needed testosterone into our debate. (You know how shy and sweet we “girls” can be!) Anyone who knows your true identity realizes that John McCain stole his “Maverick” nickname from you!

Judy: Thank you, you fabulous mother, sister, daughter and artist! Judy is not only a brilliant photographer, but a fashion maven with an eye for all things elegant and inspiring. To check out her gallery of work, visit:

Dixie Bell: Thank you, my Southern friend! You just know that anyone with “Bell” in her name is somebody special… and Dixie is all that and then some. If you like smart, opinionated, torch-singing redheads who also paint and break a lot of hearts, Dixie is your Diva!

StacyJ: When this election is over we will have to meet in Louisville, and spend an entire day baking pies and swapping recipes and waxing intellectual about NOW and your many other alma maters. Have you hung your Obama poster yet?

Café Observer: Thanks for championing the best interests of no less than “man’s best friend.” It is rumored that you are not a dog but a… Look! A piece of steak wrapped in bacon has just been tossed into the blogosphere! Fetch!


Blogger voice of raisin said...

Thank you, as well! If we can all talk to each other it really makes a difference-whether in person, on the phone, or on a blog. Blogs are great because you really get the time to articulate your complete message without getting interrupted and then read the complete thoughts of others. It's especially refreshing when they are thoughts as well-constructed, provocative and significant as yours.
One-on-one conversations have resulted in a number of people telling me they will now vote no on 8 whereas they wouldn't have before. It makes a difference.
Keep on fighting the good fight!

4:20 PM

Blogger San Diego Farmgirl said...

And you, Yak, are our queen. ALL HAIL THE QUEEN!

4:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

yakpate...thank YOU for just being YOU:) I would not have survived the last 26 years without you....yes, that's right people...I said 26!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, I forgot you guys know me....damn!

5:04 PM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

I love all y'all. Looking forward to the future where the grass is greener, the futures are brighter, the government is better, the justice if fairer and the peace reigns ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, forever peacefully so. If we all can dream it, if we all can talk about it in each language with all sides coming together for one purpose: a more perfect union -- then we can make it happen.

Here's to one hella bitchin' great democracy, my sisters and brothers. It's a privilege to be able to rant alongside each and every one of you. Different notes a lot of the time -- but together one hell of a cool symphony.

5:47 PM

Blogger Cafe Observer said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

7:02 PM

Blogger Cafe Observer said...

L, "sisters & brothers," only?? Aaah, people.

Otherwise, L, I pray your dream bcomes a reality where we can all live like Twin Palms, if not like dogs.

Let's all remember just bcuz we have a differing viewpoint, or we're behind the steering wheel- or behind a computer - is no reason to become insanely humane to each other. Let's treat each other with respect, with inhumanity, i.e., more like K9's, and the world will be a little better 4 it.

A loud bark out 2 you YP, 4 your dog-loving comment here & and on my blog:
Café Pasadena

And those rumors about me - probably coming from those unreliable politicians.

7:34 PM

Blogger Dixie Jane said...

To all of you I don't know and to the two few that I do, don't believe all of those things that Yak said about me.

I miss the diva role since our Singers Unlimited was forced into retirement. I was offered a one night gig the other night fronting a six piece band. But I turned it down.

I voted early today and was lucky to find a parking place, and no line. Like most everyone else I will be glad when the election is over and hope we can live with the outcome. Sarah Palin can enjoy her wardrobe and her cute husband. The whole thing has made my head hurt. Things are scary now in every direction. Obama has spent so much money it's unbelievable. Let's hope it is not for naught. We can take comfort in knowing that we have each other to help us weather any storm on the horizon.

9:47 PM

Blogger Cafe Observer said...

DJ, not 2 worrry - over here we don't believe anything anyone else says anyway, only our own "wisdom."

Q: Obama + $$ = ?

So much money has been given to Omama. Wunder how he's supposed to pay them back in return. So many jobless, homeless, and homeless animals, some of that money should've been given to them instead...politicians!

11:13 PM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

Forget campaign rhetoric, political doublespeak and Animal Farm smoke and mirrors of any election. This is change we can believe in.

Playing for Change -- the Transformative Power of Music. Watch this clip from Bill Moyers and be inspired as a true citizen of the world. It made me cry.

11:44 AM

Blogger Cafe Observer said...

In that Moyers vid, I loved the music playing on ye ole washing board.

It's the people in de churches and others unseen, in the background, who really make the difference - not the figureheads up in front of the cameras & mic's.

Accountability. It's not we the politicians. Remember, it's We The People.

7:22 PM


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