As in a tasty mix of talk

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Keys to the Entire Friggin' Universe

Never in my lifetime have I seen a political party as willing to transmogrify itself into anything at all… from Joe Six-Pack to a blow-up rhetoric doll willing to say or swallow anything… as the GOP in this election.

There must be a lot of power at stake. I mean, like, a LOT.

I know that, in spite of my lifetime of cheerleading for the progressive agenda, I am a political neophyte. I know I view politics in simplistic terms, i.e., Conservatives are bad, Progressives are hot-fudge sundae good. But… just how big IS the political power prize (let’s call it PPP from now on) at stake in this election?

If Obama wins, will Republicans have to turn over an oil mill that, like the cursed salt mill that kept grinding until every ocean on the planet became too salty to drink, spews enough cash to render our world so cold, dark and polluted that only retired Haliburton CEOs can live on it?

I guess I was wrong about Big Oil interests. I thought they ALREADY had constructed an atmosphere processor on the dark side of the moon, where they used their oil-for-blood money to build a palatial community that makes Dubai look like a mobile-home park in New Orleans, to which they and their sex slaves plan to retreat when earth becomes uninhabitable. You know… in 25 years or so. But apparently, Big Oil hasn’t quite finished the job. They need more time. More money. More blood. More more more. So they have stocked up on Depends and hunkered down in Chaney’s White House basement digs, where they are conducting secret, “Keep Change from Happening” rituals. And, as Obama’s lead in the polls widens, they are soiling a LOT of Depends. I wouldn’t want to be the housekeeping service that cleans up after them on November 5th.

Or does the GOP’s hysterical grip on the PPP have nothing to do with greed, can it be a desperate need to finish shredding the evidence that might convict them in the world court of pissed-off opinion? Like frat boys who tossed beer cans and passed-out co-eds into an unused room until it overflowed and smelled worse than the back seat of Casey Anthony’s car, are they afraid to move out because even THEY don’t know how much damage they’ve done to America?

Could it be there really is a Star Chamber the GOP hides from upstarts like Bill Clinton, who won two elections but didn’t have the PPP credentials to merit entrance? You know… a center of power where everyone has his or her own diamond throne (They grudgingly gave one to Ann Coulter), and where the highlight of every meeting is when they bend the fabric of space and time to travel backwards, remaining forever young and ruthless and in power?

Tell me, someone, what IS the reason Republicans have such a death grip on the PPP?

Here are the Top Ten Reasons why I think the GOP would do anything to keep their keys to the Entire Friggin’ Universe:

10. McCain is terrified of how they’ll punish him if he loses to a black man.
9. They are pretending to be Sarah Palin’s friend.
8. They invoke the spirit of guys named Joe more than Ronald Reagan
7. They say they aren’t responsible for the French people who attend their rallies. No, wait… that’s Fringe people.
6. They can’t conceal their admiration for Obama’s political instincts.
5. Karl Rove has enrolled in a remedial course on Character Assassination.
4. George Bush says it’s OK, he doesn’t need a library in his name anyway.
3. Dick Cheney no longer cares if he’s caught wearing his fishnets and leather bra.
2. Ann Coulter has been curiously muzzled.

And the number one reason we know the GOP would do anything to keep their keys to the Entire Friggin’ Universe:

1. McCain is terrified of how they’ll punish him if he loses to a black man.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

See...Republicans should simply thank Obama and see him as a true ally... You know how "Friends don't let friends drive drunk"? Well, Obama is the friend asking for the keys, to save them from their own destruction....GIVE 'EM UP!!!! For pete's sake, he is just trying to save the GOP from themselves...only a true friend would do that...*giggle*

7:03 PM

Blogger Cafe Observer said...

I'll stick to Letterman's Top 10.

In the meantime YP, if you have anything funny on cats, please stop restraining yourself - post them! But, please, limit yourself to just 10.

8:18 PM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

The GOP is just a puppet of the corporate world market that wants to make sure there are enough wars to profit from and enough struggling countries to use as Shock Doctrine free market labs.

The Democratic Party is another puppet of the same corporate world market -- which is why Obama is trading Iraq for Afghanistan, to keep the war profiteers happy and stop the military industrial complex from shutting down. Difference is: when the Dem Corporate Puppets are in charge, some of the little guys around here actually have a better life. When the Dem Puppets are on stage the taxes -- that, as I believe Holmes said "buy civilization" -- are spread out more evenly. And nothing scares the GOP more than taxes.

It's not that McCain is afraid of losing to a black man. Hell, he wanted Colin Powell for his running mate. It's that he's afraid of losing to a puppet whose got another set of strings.

Your writing is stellar, as always Yak. You should be syndicated in every paper.

1:48 AM

Blogger Cafe Observer said...

I think Laurie could be my ghost comment writer if my lazy dog ways take over.

Your commentating is stellar, as always, L. You s/b syndicated in every blog!

12:44 PM

Blogger Yakpate said...

To Cafe Observer:
I asked my cats if they have anything funny to say to you. One of them coughed up a hairball. The other extended her leg and attended to some personal hygiene matters. She did mention, however, that cats look graceful and superior even during the execution of such personal moments, whereas dogs must buy their dignity with loyalty.

1:45 PM

Blogger Cafe Observer said...

Yep, them cats don't have much sense of humor. Sometimes they act like they own the keys to the entire f-ing universe.

YP, you're a much better writer than cats anyway. Which reminds me: those are a couple of other things we dogs do better than those "kitties."

Gotta go, I smell food....

5:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like Colin Powell would have rather been our VP!!!!!
Hey, Cafe Observer...I have played with yak's don't want to mess with them!!!!!

5:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are scared little white men who are afraid we might finally live in a country that really does have equal rights....YIKES...the horror.

10:23 AM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

SPeaking of Colin Powell -- I'm not sure why Obama's people are so excited about Powell's endorsement. Obama spent over a year harping on how Hillary was wrong for voting for the war -- when she voted for it based on Powell's "evidence." All weekend, Obama pundits have been cheering Powell's endorsement while true progressive writers are scratching their heads. Um, Powell was an architect of the war Obama supposedly was so wise to oppose from the beginning. Now, he says "I trust Powell's judgement" and "welcomes" Powell's input. This would be funny if it weren't so serious. Basically, an endorsement from Powell is like an endorsement from any other of the Iraq war team: Rumsfeld, Cheney, Rice... I know you can't stop someone from endorsing you. But you can stop your people from going into orgiastic fits of ecstacy about it on the airwaves -- when the endorsement comes from the team you purport to disagree with.

10:41 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can trust someone's judgement, value their input and still disagree with it....

10:49 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

And Powell will bring some Independent votes Obama's way, so from the campaign's perspective, there is much to be orgasmic about. Agree with stayt, you always reserve the right to disagree.

11:09 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reason the democrats view the endorsement as a "win" is because even Republican military leaders are in support and are going to put their trust in Obama's leadership. It is a direct rebuttal to the republican campaign saying that Obama is not ready to lead when it comes to foreign policy.

12:12 PM

Blogger Yakpate said...

To nikkis: What YOU said!

12:18 PM

Blogger San Diego Farmgirl said...

I think Powell's timing had to do with the release of "W". He's portrayed in the film as having been against the Iraq war, bullied into that UN speech by the rest of the cabinet. I wonder how many people watched that movie and said to themselves, "oh yeah, Colin Powell, I wonder what ever happened to him." And what do you know, there he is on TV, what a coinky-dink!

2:19 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

I tried to come up with a clever top ten list about cats, but failed miserably. I agree that both Laurie and Yak should have their comments syndicated. HEAR HEAR.

I voted early today- figured I'd avoid the rush. I always feel so American when I leave the ballot booth. :~)

3:32 PM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

I'm a liberal. I think Colin Powell and all the other architects of Iraq war should be before the Hague as war criminals, not endorsing Democrats and doing a talk show circuit. I also think the Dem Congress should have impeached Bush. For God's sake, they impeached Clinton for a blow job. THey won't impeach Bush for lying -- using Powell's reputatin before Congress to present the lies -- to the AMerican Public about intelligence and taking us to an illegal, immoral war. I will always stand with Cindy SHeehan on this. If Obama had only said, "I appreciate Secretary Powell's endorsement, but I still wholeheartedly condemn his role in taking us to war -- a war I will put an end to when I'm in office." This is way beyond a gentleman's disagreement. Powell is a war monger and a criminal.

6:41 PM

Blogger Cafe Observer said...

People are the inventors of double-speak.

Politicians are the inventors of triple-speak.

And K9's are the inventors of no speak, but carry a big bark.

6:46 PM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

what he said.

6:59 PM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

and what else he said.

Honestly. If we can't demand condemnation of this jackhole by our supposed anti-war progressive candidate then what the hell kind of democrats are we?

7:06 PM

Blogger Cafe Observer said...

That Laurie, sure asked a good question. A bark out 2 u!

Let me c if i can think up an equally good answer. However, the word, jackhole(?), is holding me up a bit. But, what else she said I think I can understand.

Imagine her words in pictures! Give that girl a camera.

8:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are the kind of democrats that can appreciate an endorsement by a very well respected Republican, even if we dont agree with every decision he has made.
We are the kind of democrats that can appreciate the fact that some registered democrats are not happy that Hilary didnt win, and that's ok..
We are the kind of democrats that understand that some of us are excited and hopeful about Obama and thats ok...
What is the freakin problem here???

4:18 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What StacyT said!!!!

5:20 AM

Blogger Yakpate said...

THANK YOU to everyone who participated in this debate... I'm feeling a lot like a springboard! You guys have taken the discussion in an entirely new direction, based on the events of the day. So I will follow suit.

Although I understand the outrage (I wrote to Pelosi demanding that Bush be impeached, and was robo-answered that it would be "unproductive"), I want to remind everyone that the outcome of this election will change the direction of our lives more than most that have preceded it.

There are three aging liberal judges on the supreme court who have been holding on for dear life in hopes of a Democratic administration. Do we want the appointment of new judges driven by a party that is slanted on the side of corporate interests, that already has crippled the remedy of bankruptcy for working people, and whose VP nominee opposes abortion even in cases of rape and incest?

I don't.

Powell was always a reluctant salesman for Bush's war. By choosing loyalty to Bush over his own convictions, he sacrificed his career. So, if he now attempts to redeem himself by trying to help America close the book on the last eight years of lies, war crimes, and crimes against our individual rights and constitution, HURRAH!

And since this IS an election, if his endorsement of Obama helps defeat McCain, DOUBLE HURRAH!

When we're angry, we tend to forget the way things are instead of the way we want them to be. For example, corporations are here to stay, at least until we're willing to undergo a transformation of the way we live, earn, and consume. So we need an administration that can BALANCE the needs of corporate interests with individual interests. In this regard, I have no doubt that Obama would deliver more balance than McCain.

And while we're on the subject of what we want from "our" Democratic party, let's not forget that a political party is not a moral fountainhead... it is a tool. We use it to accomplish the goals that we, as individuals, believe are in our common bests interests.

When powerful segments of our society misuse the political tool to promote the greed and selfish interests of a few (some of this will always happen) to the extent that the interests of the less powerful majority are sacrificed, it's a good bet that Republicans are in power. Look at history. Hell, look at the present.

Powell said that Obama would be a transformational leader, and that he has a superior intellectual grasp of both the need for and the methods available to create change.

Thank you, General Powell, You were wrong about the war but you're right about this.

7:25 AM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

Yak, beautifully written counterpoint. But please... read your history. Powell was never reluctant. THat is a carefully crafted myth that has been blown wide open by numerous sources who have written about this at length. Powell has always been a willing schill for the military elite going all the way back to covering up crimes in Vietnam. I have no problem sitting down with the enemy to forge ahead. And there are plenty of "respected" conservatives who have not committed crimes punishable by death according to the statuts set down by the Neurenberg Trials. By all means, lets bring those Republicans into the fold. But for heaven's sake, let's not lose our credibility as liberals by downplaying and excusing the horrors we call out on the Right simply because a messenger is now convenient to our side's cause. We whittle away enough of our principles, we become what we hate. Powell's endorsement came when Obama was already 10 points ahead. We don't have to sell our souls and embrace his joining the fight in order to win it. We don't need him. We don't need Wolfowitz or Rove, either. So I still say, General Powell, you are an opportunistic warmonger who figured out the next power player and need him to save your legacy. Sorry, but you're not welcome at this party. Like many progressives I have been reading lately, I'm worried about what exactly Obama's foreign policy IS if he clasps the hand of a mass murdering war criminal. It's a fair question since all we have to go on here is Hope for Change. I find it a little bizarre that some who excoriate Palin for hunting moose will apologize for and accept Powell who was the #2 instrument in the unlawful murder of a million Iraq citizens.

That's my freakin' problem here.

10:55 AM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

Yak, I am just curious why you believe Obama would balance corporate interests with individual interests? He is far more in love with Milton Friedman -- and surrounded by free market ideologues -- than most Democrats. He should have come up with the homeowners bailout McCain bantered around -- it's the more liberal plan. Obama's actual economic policies are straight Chicago School Economics 101. (The Chicago School being University of Chicago -- home of Friedman, written extensively lately by Naomi Klein.)

Have you read something specific that speaks to this point? I so want to believe it, too. But everything in the details shows me that Obama is heavily influenced by the same guys who brought us this financial mess.

Now, I have every indication McCain would make a bigger mess out of the economy. Please. But I really don't see the next 4 years as transformative for labor, the working poor, the middle class or individual workers based on anything in any of Obama's written plans, speeches or the economic writing of his main advisors like Rubin and Goolsbee. You'll notice Edwards was the last one who even mentioned the working poor. There was a whole discussion on this on Bill MOyers the other day.

This is why I write letters. I think Democrats must demand Obama stick to the core principles of the base who gave him this candidacy -- ie, the LEFT, progressives like me -- or our victory is in name only.

Anyway, I just wondered what you had been reading to give you inspiration about Obama's hand in balancing corporations with individuals. I know you mentioned your latest vast book list in your phone message the other day and I would love any of your recommendations.

11:15 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, we can all believe what we want. I'm just glad I still have hope...That doesn't mean I am stupid, or uninformed. It means that with everything going on in this world I can still be optimistic about our future. I choose to look at the positive side of things as well as the negative. There really are some ground breaking, life changing things that could come out of this election. Always focusing on what you consider the negative is very disheartening. If I did that, I wouldn't want to get out of bed in the morning.

11:33 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

We can rant and rave all we want, but the bottom line is that compromise makes the world go round. Both Liberals and Conservatives at the extreme seem to think that there can be no compromise, or a half way point, but there is and must continue to be so. That's what politics are all about... finding some semblance of middle ground even when we disagree. Even if it's only 1000th of 1% better, I believe that Obama will be better than McCain, if for no other reason than, as Pat pointed out, the Supreme Court issue because it's not just about Rove v. Wade.

And about Powell, say what you will about his role in the war, but you cannot deny he was trained well as soldier. I believe he fell on the sword of the administration because good soldiers follow orders and if the President told him there were WMDs in Iraq and he has to say so, he had but two choices: resign or follow orders because disobeying your commander was not an option.

1:17 PM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

ROy, I absolutely agree with compromise. Being a whistleblower or a canary in the coalmine is not contrary to compromise. Healthy, valid questioning of ALL of our leaders -- not just the ones we hate -- is the foundation of our country's greatness. I'm thankful Upton Sinclair didn't just compromise. Or Rachel Carson. Or the suffragettes. Or the abolitionists. Or the civil rights leaders. Or Woodward and Bernstein. I could go on.

I'll grant you Powell was a good soldier. But go and read up on how well he's been the bagman for decades of corruption and lies and then come back and apologize for his behavior or rationalize it.

It's not in the spirit of anti-compromise to insist that we DON'T compromise when looking at ourselves. It's the only way the other side will take us seriously when we throw our hands up in outrage about their bad stuff. Only then do WE have credibility.

I"m not trying to convince the dyed in the wool Democrats. They'll always be here. I'm trying to appeal to those who aren't moved by campaign rhetoric and actually want some of these issues addressed. ANd most of all, I'm trying to remain one of the foot soldiers who will never bend to my party when it chooses the wrong path.

My two cents. As always, I acknowledge that I am a big turd in the pretty Obama punchbowl.

3:09 PM

Blogger Yakpate said...

Hello Laurie!

I base my belief that Obama would strike a more equitable balance between corporate and working-class interests on his stated, and widely publicized opinion that a windfall-profits tax should be imposed on oil corporations, on his proposal to give tax breaks to corporations that create jobs in America instead of outsourcing them to foreign countries, and on his proposal to lower taxes on incomes below $250K while eliminating the Republican tax breaks on those who earn above this amount.

I base my belief that Obama would be more transformational than McCain on the fact that he has not used culturally divisive tactics to defeat McCain through fear and intimidation, but has instead made an observable effort to stick to the issues of fair treatment, in addition to rescuing the economy.

In other words, my conclusions are based on what appears to be a common-sense reading of everyday news, so further research would be superfluous... unless you have information from a non-mainstream source that challenges the sincerity of Obama's stated views on taxation..

3:58 PM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

Yak, I'm talking about his Friedman philosophy of economics -- not his tax plan. Read Naomi Klein. She has a little info here -- and her bestselling book The Shock Doctrine explains what both the left and the right of our government in various administrations have done in the world since the 70s using The University of Chicago Economics Department. Earthshattering information that everyone should read. Everything from manipulating Chinese markets to propping up Pinochet -- all in the name of American corporate profit. Obama is more in bed with the Chicago economists than any other Democrat. Period.

1:16 AM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

Oh, and that article was written before Rubin joined the coterie. The biggest joke around most far left progressive blogs is that anyone would call Obama a socialist when he's deeply influenced by -- and indeed was a professor at -- The Chicago School.

1:21 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is true, when it comes down to it, little will change with Obama as president. Then again, lots of things will change. Obama has many of the same advisors and fundraisers as Bill Clinton did. Clinton was not a liberal, he was a moderate. Which infuriated the Repubs, he worked with business, he "reformed" the welfare system, he put more African American men in prison with the three strikes and out laws than ever before. The Repubs went after him hard because he was doing it better than they did. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of Bill, not for the things he did that I listed above - he did lots of good things too. Which is why Obama would be infinitely better than McCain. But I do worry about Obama's safety, and how hard the Repubs will go after him and his if he is elected.

9:46 AM


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