As in a tasty mix of talk

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Rant from the Evil Pre-Dead

After six weeks of bullshit medical reassurances that I didn’t need an “expensive” (doc’s emphasis, not mine) MRI to diagnose my escalating hip pain, that it probably was just a regrettable consequence of aging, I finally pitched a big enough hissy-fit to get the friggin’ procedure scheduled.

And the MRI revealed that I have metastatic bone cancer.


I am now a member of the evil pre-dead, and I am pissed off.

By pre-dead I mean that, unlike you, dear readers, I am no longer immortal. That’s right. I am going to die some day. But since I am told that my cancer is slow-growing and thus highly treatable, I assume that I still have time to publish my novel, buy a home with a city lights view, and fall in love with a man hung like Seattle Slew (1977 Triple Crown winner).

Oh. And also to vent as only the evil pre-dead are disposed to do.

With the full force of my evil, cancerous rage, I ask: Why, after trillions of dollars and billions of man-hours have been devoted to cancer research, are the children of today as much at risk of getting the disease as the hapless victims of Polio before Dr. Salk found his cure?

Where is my cancer cure?

Where is your cancer cure?

Where is our children’s cancer cure?

I don’t believe that a group pf lecherous old billionaires with skin tags and palsy is hiding in a bunker somewhere chanting “greed is good,” thwarting a cancer cure because they’d rather keep making their obscene profits. But I DO believe that greed and unenlightened self interest have created a Byzantine medical bureaucracy that is eating our flesh and bones with no clear goal except to perpetuate itself.

Picture Keanu Reeves in the original Matrix, waking in an infinite maze of tubes, fluids, poisons and hopelessness. Yep. Our American Health Care system is a lot like that. And I can say so, because I am the evil pre-dead.

Medicine, however, isn’t the problem. Rather, it is the corrupt, intertwined bureaucracies of the pharmaceutical and health insurance industries that would rather see us dead than lose a dime. And just because you can’t see my laser pointer doesn’t mean I can’t back up this claim with examples. For example, as my oncologist wrote out prescriptions for the high-contrast MRI, radio-isotopic bone scan and PET scan that I needed, she said: “You’re lucky that you have Medicare… patients with private insurance, even when their need is critical, can’t get these tests without the written consent of their insurance companies, which can take four to eight weeks to process.”


The Mephistophelean rot of any system that operates in this manner must be overturned by the most revolutionary means available. (Single-payer care, anyone?) Otherwise, we are heading for a health care system that sends the terminally ill to the nearest ice floe to drift away in whatever is left of our oceans.

Our health care crisis is part of a pernicious continuum of greed that includes global warming, environmental degradation, the extinction of some of the most beautiful creatures to emerge from the eye of God, and acceptance of whatever bullshit excuses we are handed for a world in which cancer cannot be cured.

In this matter we are all brothers and sisters. Our socio-economic status, skin color, religion and beliefs are all leveled by the need to survive. And in our nation, the richest in the world, how can we not reject the concept of health care as a privilege, how can we not embrace it as a willingly shared resource for all? How can we not demand that our politicians promise a cure for cancer as they once promised… and delivered… a man on the moon?

So, from the foul pit where the evil pre-dead dwell to all the rest of you rosy-cheeked skateboarders, hootchie-mamas teetering on seven-inch platform heels, corporate lions plundering without thought of consequence, and Moms and Dads who want your sons and daughters to soar in this life:

Demand a cure for cancer. Now.

To be continued…


Blogger Gladgrower said...

Here, i can only say i love you...and have sent an email written with great sincerity.
Use me in any way we can.

9:19 PM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

Everyone should read this. It should be on the front page of every paper in this country.

I'm with you, honey.

9:44 AM

Anonymous Dianne Patrizzi said...

I love your words, the use and arrangement of them. I'll just focus on that since the content of what you've said breaks my heart into chunks.

A professor of mine once told me that writing poetry was a sign of the pre-loathing for life. Somehow,in my mind it equates with the evil pre-dead joyeux duh vive.

Keep writing for the benefit of the chunky-hearted. I agree with Laurie on the evil pre-dead pov distribution idea, of course. You are a genius and can only progress to higher geniusairy.

10:05 AM

Blogger Petrea Burchard said...

Laurie sent me here.

Send this piece out. As Laurie says, it should appear in every newspaper. Send it. They'll print it.

Thank you and bless you. I'm glad I read it.

12:15 PM

Blogger Linda Dove said...

Laurie sent me, as well.

Powerful piece. Thank you.

12:46 PM

Anonymous NikkiS said...

Yak Pate - Send this to our President immediately...he too saw this cursed disease and the financial/medical nightmare it can create when we (the people) EVEN the INSURED have been pitted between our insurance companies and our doctors...
I can't tell you how many times the insurance company said no...and my dad had to get a second and sometimes third doctor to state he needed this or that test...
Also, the nightmare of trying to get second and third opinions...sometimes you need to cross state lines because there might only be ONE speicalist in your area...which of course is NOT COVERED by our insurance policies...
I can only imagine that I would be contemplating what I might be buying my dad for Father's Day this year if he had the option (I think it should be required) to go to another doctor for a second opinion...instead, I am contemplating visiting his grave site on Father's Day and making sure they got his Name engraved correctly...

2:08 PM

Blogger San Diego Farmgirl said...

Yak, you asked me to comment, but you left so very little more to be said! Bravo, bravo, bravo. Yes, do send to the LA Times, NY Times, etc right away. I have all the contacts if you need them.

Now, then. Here comes the wacko niece, at your service! ;)

The fact that a medical 'industry' even exists, to me, is sick. I have great admiration for medical technology, doctors and especially nurses. Working in a hospital is like being a flight attendant - most people are stressed to the nines and don't want to be there. Not a pleasant work environment, but they do it with class and deserve much better.

We have the right to life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness, don't we? Then why do we accept that we have to pay a monthly premium to receive life-saving care? What does the amount of our premium or the quality of our coverage say about the worth of our lives?

If somebody else controls whether or not you live or die, that's slavery. No, not as bad as slavery can be, but it ain't freedom, either.

Nikki, there's no effin' reason why we should live in a world where a man can live on one lung and a machine, but we can't find an effective way to help him quit smoking.

I could go on and on. I call bullshit, and I'll go further than Pat and say I do think there are sick old men who get their jollies from the state of things. Moms and dads and dearest aunties who suffer and submit to the mutilation of their bodies because a trusted authority said so.

Shame on both political parties for ignoring this issue for so long, and letting insurance and other interests line their pockets while they turned their heads. Our elected leaders hear story after story after story of families who have been victimized, at best, by unchecked greed. And yet they sit around with their thumbs up their butts and claim this is the best they can do.

This is why I'm such a downer about politics and such. It just seems like the vast majority of elected officials are more concerned with government, the political process and their place in history than the people government is supposed to serve. Everything they do seems to make us more dependent, when logically you'd think self reliance would be the best course for a strong nation.

It's hard to call it a conspiracy when it's actually happening, I like to say ...

5:43 PM

Anonymous NikkiS said...

I think I have found a partial solution...when you pay for health insurance a LIFE insurance policy should be lumped in with your policy...a big one...that way instead of hoping you die your friggin insurance company would have a monetary reason to keep your ass alive as well....ARRGGG!!!!

5:57 PM

Blogger Petrea Burchard said...

Farmgirl, you're right.

But we can't expect them to do it for us. They have never done it for us. We complain. We gripe. We moan about it. We even threaten. But it takes an awful lot of getting mad--on our part--to get them to do anything. Until we back up our threats there will be no change. We've got to start insisting, by participating in demonstrations, being active, and making a hell of a lot of noise. Until the politicos are scared they'll lose their jobs, they won't do it.

I have a lot of faith in our president, but he can't do this by himself. Let's back him up and write to the Feinsteins and the footdraggers and give 'em what fer.

6:36 PM

Blogger Ron said...

Pat, as usual you've said it far better than just about anyone else could have!

8:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've thought about you all day.

11:26 PM

Anonymous stacyt said...

It's dispicable that our doctors care for us in a way that the insurance tells them they can instead of what they think is best. For example, when my dad was fighting his battle with cancer I heard many a doctor say they would like to do another petscan but the insurance wont allow it. When did insurance companies become our doctors? Maybe there were a few bad apples who sent for every test, needed or not just for extra insurance money. There are always those who take advantage of certain things, that's the way we work. However, the people as a whole should not have to suffer for that. The doctors that abuse the system should be held accountable.
My dad should not have been held accountable!!!! My aunt should not have to go in fight mode and have epic battles with doctors and insurance companies just to get a test done because it's expensive....By the way assholes..this test may have saved her life!!!!!!!!! UGH!! unbelievable...
I love you Pat.....

5:24 AM

Blogger Petrea Burchard said...

I just sent my friend Jane Neff Rollins a link to this post. She's an expert in advocating for health care. I asked her to come read and comment.

I imagine she has some interesting things to say about how we can be defending ourselves here.

6:55 AM

Blogger Yakpate said...

To everyone who has commented... thank you so much for your support. I'm not kidding, I feel the love!

Thanks also to Laurie and Petrea and others who invited friends to read and comment.

I am going to Fedex a letter to President Obama today and will post a copy on this blog. I am also in the process of looking for realistic efforts we can take to goose the behinds of bureaucrats who aren't moving fast enough, or sincerely enough, to find a cure.

One good thing... as a mere mortal I am now going to eat more cake.

7:47 AM

Blogger Petrea Burchard said...

Obama is speaking in Wisconsin (I think) today about pushing forward on health care reform. The report I heard said that the Republicans "and some Democrats" say he's "moving too fast." I say we need to support him and urge him to move as fast as he can. We can do so be telling our legislators how we feel about this.

10:46 AM

Anonymous San Diego Farmgirl said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Don't eat MORE cake, eat less cake!


Disease isn't random, most of the time it's the result of good old fashioned cause and effect. I believe that very strongly.

That's part of the racket, that health is predetermined by genetics and we're all destined to a life of permanent pharmaceutical prescriptions and surgical procedures no matter what daily choices we make. Nobody has to be responsible for their actions, everybody is a victim, and we're at the medical industry's mercy.

It perpetuates consumption - no need to limit food, drink or drug consumption, no limit to the number of prescriptions or medical procedures one will need as a result. Boomers hate to be restricted in any way, so your generation (and mine) are ripe for the exploiting because we place such a low value on self control.

It's a brilliant business plan for America, really. Except for the part where it hurts people I love!

I wish there was more emphasis on the great daily benefits of good health instead of the fleeting pleasures of cake. I mean, I like cake, I really, really, really do, but I wouldn't trade how I feel now for how I used to feel (before making big lifestyle changes) for all the cake in the world.

And, I would never eat another piece of cake again if it would make my auntie better again. Cake makes me MAD! >:o(

2:51 PM

Blogger San Diego Farmgirl said...

Petrea: Politicians always lose me when they pitch 'coverage' instead of 'care'. Americans need universal coverage! they cry. No, thank you. We just need to see a doctor, please. Why do we have to fund an industry in the process?

Well, because ... just think of all the jobs that would be lost if the cure to cancer were suddenly found or revealed. Short term, it would be an economic disaster. Unemployed surgeons, nurses, oncologists, chemo and radiation attendants, medical equipment manufacturers, medical insurance claim processors, call center employees, charity walk organizers, everybody who builds, cleans and maintains the offices of all of the above ... we've gotten ourselves into a situation where in some ways, a cure isn't even in our best interest.

Don't even get me started on the financial services industry ...

Whett Blanchette

3:46 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

First, sorry that your insistance on getting the necessary tests turned out to yield some bad news. I'm sure this is one time you would've been glad to be "wrong", but even then, it was not wrong to EXPECT the tests. It's unthinkable that they were even debated.

I think it's very healthy to turn your justified rage into action and the timing is right as government begins to grapple with long-overdue health care reform. As a professional communicator, you are in an especially good place to help shape that debate and I am excited to see how that will manifest.

Have you thought of collecting and telling as many stories as possible, through as many channels as possible? This country is drowning in stories like yours and the more pissed off people get upon hearing them, the more likely we will be to get true reform. I can't imagine there are many individuals who have not been touched fairly closely by the horrors of our system. They need to be reminded and called to action.

In this respect, I see you as the 'Holy Alive'!

I will try, too...

5:29 PM

Blogger Cafe Pasadena said...

Ditto the prior commenter's. Plus, you're in our prayers.

YP, LA didn't send me here. Been coming to see you since last year. There's a lot of money in the cancer biz. Imagine if there was a cure = money disappears.

The 2 biggest killers are cancer & heart disease. I believe their main source is the mostly embalmed, i.e., prepacked,dead food we feed our bodies.

YP, I hope you write more often as you did in the past. However, instead of the political industry which has suckered in the masses, may your motivation now be the health care bizness.

5:37 PM

Blogger Cafe Pasadena said...

Also, I ditto SDFarmerGirl re: Cake.

Go ahead, YP, have a big piece! But then you need to know a major food for cancer growth is processed sugar. LA could probably tell you de same thing.

5:47 PM

Blogger Petrea Burchard said...

Farmgirl: point well taken. Illness is a big industry. What if we all got well? Man, that would screw things up. But don't worry, we can cure cancer and everything will still be fine because we've got diabetes and obesity do deal with now.

10:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who started the American Medical Association? WHY?

The conspiracy to limit and eliminate competition from non-drug therapies began with the Flexner Report of 1910.
Abraham Flexner was engaged by John D. Rockefeller to run around the country and "evaluate" the effectiveness of therapies taught in medical schools and other institutions of the healing arts.

Rockefeller wanted to dominate control over petroleum, petrochemicals, and pharmaceuticals (which are derived from 'coal tars' or crude oil). He arranged for his company, Standard Oil of New Jersey to obtain a controlling interest in a huge
German drug cartel called I. G Farben. He pulled in his stronger competitors like Andrew Carnegie and JP Morgan (SAME families FUCKING US TODAY) as partners, while making other, less powerful players, stockholders in
Standard Oil. Those who would not come into the fold "were crushed" according to a Rockefeller biographer (W. Hoffman,
David: Report on a Rockefeller (New York: Lyle Stuart, Inc., 1971} page 24.)

The report Flexner submitted to The Carnegie Foundation was titled "Medical Education in the United States and Canada".
Page 22 of the report said: "the privileges of the medical school can no longer be open to casual strollers from the

Hmmm, Like father, like son.

David Rockefeller gives a speech about over population. In this video, you will hear and see him discussing how the U.N. should sustain the population.

Very fitting since his daddy started the AMA.

Cure huh don't hold your breath, not likely since these ruthless people are the same ones who finance both sides of a war.

“As to diseases, make a habit of two things - to help, or at least, to do no harm.”

Hippocrates "The father of medicine."

1:57 AM

Anonymous NikkiS said...

And think of the Social Security system as well...if we had a cure for cancer people (like my dad) might enjoy 20 years of the benefits that they paid into for 40 to 50 years...instead of only two (like my dad received before the cancer took him)...

6:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm totally with Farmgirl on this. I prefer to bury my head in the sand when it comes to discussions of medicine and doctors, but I'll pop up for this one.

11:44 AM

Blogger Mister Earl said...

Yak (Pat) - I haven't read your blog in a long while but for some reason today, I decided to look at it. Thinking of you! And yes, your words should be in all the newspapers.

10:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Laurie sent you to me a long time ago, and I've been a quiet subscriber to your blog since you commented on my blog. Have enjoyed your writing.

Thought commenting on this post was especially necessary -- there is much going on these days in the field of health care. The most important thing to do if you want to help is to get as much knowledge as you can on how the system works. I'm not just talking about mere WWW research; the library has tons of books (because these days, lots of people from different sides are writing these books) that give different angles on the rigmarole that you went through.

I say, take your evil pre-dead attitude and learn as much as you can. Then teach us fellow mortals how it's done.

Good luck with everything. I'll be sure to stop by again to see how things are turning out.

8:51 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are the only person I know who can take something so frightening and make it a literary work of art. You are so talented!!!! I love you lots and can't wait to see you. Love ya, Mechelle

11:16 AM


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