As in a tasty mix of talk

Monday, May 11, 2009

Simply Holding Hands

This poem was inspired by the humbling experience of watching my nieces love their father as he died, and in the process, bond with many others who also loved him.


Love does not seek nourishment
From the things we try
To achieve. Sometimes love
Flows more freely when we
Simply need it, an achievement
That leads to greatness, as when
Holding hands becomes more
Memorable than front page deeds
Or all our grandiose plans.

Love not only says hello, but
Also goodbye, and the letting go
Of those we love can open our eyes
To the meaning of our past, and
The richness of simple tasks, the value
Of every last moment. We find the strength
To love without measure or comparison, to say,
“I love you, Dad,” and to share this treasure
With every sister and brother.

In the true circle of yesterday, today and
Tomorrow, we love by simply holding hands.


Anonymous NikkiS said...

Yak-Although it was sad to see my dad sick...I feel blessed and lucky that we got the last 16 months to talk, laugh, cry, forgive, forget, love and be proud of.
I always had a certain amount of respect for him, but watching him fight the way he did with such humor and grace, knowing he did it for me, my sister and his grandsons...well I can't even put in words what a miracle that was...
I will miss him a lot... :(

7:46 PM

Blogger Cafe Pasadena said...

Simple & Beautiful, YP!

11:07 PM


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