As in a tasty mix of talk

Friday, October 03, 2008

Is that a Facial Tic, or Are You Just Glad to See Me?

Heck! Shucks! Darn!

If I weren't so smart I might have been flattered by Sarah Palin's appeal to the Joe Six-Pack in me, and the implicit reassurance that it's OK to be narrow-minded, uneducated, and sound asleep at the smarts wheel.

But don't ya know, I am confident of my identity and don't need parental figures in the White House. I don't need charming gambits like evading a tough question by answering a different one, nor do I interpret this as standing up to meanies in the media. I don't need the smoking spectre of a "second holocaust" blown up my ass. And I definately, positively, absolutely do not need a wink.

Gosh, I guess that's why Sarah Palin's performance in last night's Vice-Presidential debate failed to impress me. So what if she didn't trip and fall as she walked onstage? So what if she remembered to include all the buzzwords her debate handlers force-fed her? So what if she didn't crack under pressure and blurt out that Jesus wants America to elect John McCain?

Sarah Palin continues to skirt issues that are critical to the future of America. True, it isn't easy to explain McCain's claim that our economy is strong, made on the same day it tanked. But invoking the dead spirit of Ronald Reagan with her "There you go again" assertion that we should just forget the past and move on is contradictory. It's also an evasion, not an answer.

A question, Ms. Palin: In all those magazines you read, and in that vast array of reference material you rely on, did the phrase, "He who fails to understand history is doomed to repeat it" ever pop up?

Anyone who thinks it's a good idea to ignore the Republican failures that have taken root in American soil shouldn't expect to become my gardener, much less my Vice President.

And don't claim, Ms. Palin, that the constitution provides for "more Vice-Presidential powers" after we have suffered through eight years of Dick Cheney's malevolent influence. We won't be needin' any more brazen assaults on our constitution, Ma'am.

It doesn't matter that Sarah Palin can act the part of my mommy, my teacher and my friend. If she shucks and darns McCain into office, America will have to climb out of our quicksand economy under the guidance of the same deregulation spokeman who helped sink it. America will have to extricate itself from Iraq by repeating the same mistakes and expecting a different outcome. And most disappointing of all, America will lose the opportunity to insert the crowbar of reason into the Republican weld between church and state and pry it apart... separate it, in fact... as our constitution demands.

So, don't wink at me, Sarah Palin. We're electing a Vice President, not a flirt.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I watched last night, I tried to take out any "pre-existing" notions in my head. One I am a Woman and Two I am a Democrat...and granted that is hard to do...but I tried.
So my reaction is that I am glad that Sarah did not melt into a puddle on the floor..because One I am a woman and Two it would have taken attention away from the fact that she failed to answer the questions presented to her and stuck to what she knew.
For me, Joe won the debate because he had some great one-liners "Ultimate Bridge to Nowhere" and he showed real emotion discussing his family and finally, he answered the questions that were actually asked.
I don't care that Sarah doesn't have TONS of experience but FUNDAMENTALLY I do not agree with most things she represents.
Then she tried to make Biden seem old....I don't think that was a smart move considering who else is on her ticket!!!!
As a woman, I am certainly glad she didn't come out looking like a complete fool because we need to show these guys we(women) can "hang" in a political arena. As a Democrat, Sarah and the Republicans just don't get it...and if they think that the American people are so dumb to elect someone because the V.P. candidate is cute and gave "shout outs" during the debate....I'm sorry but ummmm NOOOOO!!!! I am one of those Soccer Mom's that she was trying to appeal too...I am not that dumb...sorry Repubs....I actually get bored when they start trying to "Appeal" to me with their stories and folksy talk...No I want to hear about the real issues that apply to know the ones that Sarah Palin chose NOT to answer last night...

8:09 AM

Blogger San Diego Farmgirl said...

Folksy winking yes-men represent the best Republicans have to offer. Ronald Reagan. George W. Bush. Hell, Liddy Dole was working the political wink/pencil skirt strategy back when Sarah Palin was still backcombing mall bangs.

Point is, Palin's a yes-man. Republicans always pick yes men, and you don't have to know shit to be a yes-man. Just read the teleprompter and insert your patented folksy lines. Worked for both Reagan and George W, and it will work like a charm for Palin and plenty more than will follow her. Has little to do with the fact that she's a woman, IMHO.

I'm sure somewhere, the idea to position Palin as folksy was met with this response: hell, if it ain't broke, why fix it?

9:30 AM

Blogger San Diego Farmgirl said...

PS: Love the headline! I'm still giggling.

9:31 AM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

WHat struck me most about last night was how terrifying I now find Sarah Palin. I always knew she was a formidible choice and that there was steel underneath that folksy facade. I remember when I first thought McCain would pick her, it was after watching an interview with her supporting Ron Paul and talking about Alaska politics. I knew she had that annoying but effective Republican shtick. But what I didn't know was that she agrees -- whether she can articulate it or not -- with the unitary executive theory as well as with advancing powers of the VP.

OH, and when she said nucular I thought my head would explode.

I agree with Nikki and Ballbuster -- I'm glad as a woman that she didn't stink up the joint because ultimately that would set women back -- not just set Sarah Palin back. But I see her for exactly who she is: Reagan in heels. THe woman is Ronald REagan in heels. No need for analysis, no need for complicated and often contradictory simultaneous thoughts, just simplistic Republican talking points and complete ignorance of the nuances of history and geopolitics. Hey, it worked for Ronnie. And that scares the shit out of me.

Don't underestimate this woman. She managed to put Biden on the defensive and she doesn't even understand foreign policy. Crap.

Excellent post as always, Pat.

9:52 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha--that cracks me up...Reagan in Heels..LMAO!!!

10:37 AM

Blogger Cafe Observer said...

L, I knew Ronald Reagan, Reagan was a slave of mine, and Sarah, you're no....

1:53 AM


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