As in a tasty mix of talk

Monday, October 06, 2008

Ayers, the GOP's New "N" Word

If you liked swiftboating, the Republican sport of repeating the same lie until its victim becomes playground bully bait, John McCain's 2008 version will disappoint you.

Unable to swiftboat Obama directly on the basis of his race, McCain has launched an oblique attack on his association with "terrorist" Bill Ayers.

The cheers that greeted Sarah Palin's rally portrayal of an Obama-Ayers association today were louder, more lip-smacking and more prolonged than any other crowd reaction during her speech. Now the rabidly anti-Obama constituents can link him to a terrorist bogeyman, since the "N" bogyman is off-limits to them... in public, anyway.

But Obama is not easily intimidated, no matter how vicious the playground bully, no matter how much lipstick she smears over her slurs. He has perfected the art of the gentlemanly, Cary Grant response, and cannot be tarred as easily as Kerry. Instead of taking the bait and biting back the pitbull while the handler cowers on the sidelines, Obama will retaliate with a link of his own... not to McCain's role in the S&L crisis of the eighties, but to the economic collapse of today. And the bully is a sniveling wimp on this issue.

How many racist voters will latch onto McCain's transmogrified Ayers N-word and use it to foment hatred and fear? Quite a few of them, to judge by all that foaming at the mouth as Palin's followers trampled Obama's middle name like a dirty, racist flag. But not enough to prejudice the supporters who are handing him a double-digit lead in the polls.

According to blogster Howard Wolfson at, "Senator McCain will try to make issues of Bill Ayers and Tony Rezko and Rev. Wright, and that might hurt Senator Obama around the margins -- but it will not prevent him from winning. The economy is simply bigger than the rogues gallery that John McCain is conjuring up."

Thanks for saying so, Howard. It's uplifting to think that sticks and stones might break a few votes, but not even McCain's new N-Word can make Obama less of a human being.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exactleeeeeee Yak Pate....I ALMOST would have a little (very little) more respect for the racist, if they would just come out and say what's REALLY bothering them about Obama. Who's the cowards???? Who's pulling the race card???
If any race card gets pulled in this election, it will be the Repubs. pulling it, praying that there are just enough racist out there that still live in fear and will vote for McCain/Palin due to that reason alone.
I pray that I can be proud of my country this election year, not just because we elected as President a man with Vision and a real plan to build our country up again...from the BOTTOM up, but I have to admit I will also be proud that more than half of us have risen above those outdated, uneducated, fear based ideas that we are not ALL equal. I would love to be around to witness us become one step closer to living up to Martin Luther King's dream:)

12:01 PM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

The Ayers connection is huge, deep and very real. I'm surprised they haven't come out with everything they know about the relationship that is verifiable, that those of us monitoring this shit have known for over a year.

That doesn't mean they aren't pandering to racists -- some of them are. But I can't compare this to swiftboating -- which was based on absolute lies. Obama's career was made in GREAT part by his close relationship with Ayers. Now, I know a lot of cool people who hang around with ass hole criminals. I've done it myself. Hell, I've even dated them. But I own it, too. ANd I'm not stupid enough to do it and then run for president hoping my party will manage to cover it up.

This has truly bugged me about Obama for over a year, and everytime he "downplays" it -- let's call it for what it is: it's a lie.

I just happen to think this liar who hangs with terrorists is much, much better for the economy and for social issues than McCain. There is no question. But man, I do have a problem with taking up for Obama for things that truly are despicible -- isn't that what the Republicans do? What we really, truly despise about them? Obama is not the squeaky clean candidate MSNBC and Daily Kos say he is and it irritates me to no end when people act like he is. Ayers is real. The Ayers relationship is very real. This is the MAIN reason I was pissed at Howard Dean for pushing Obama on us when everyone in the Hillary camp KNEW this would be part of the October surprise.

I don't mind voting for a sleazy Chicago politician who will do wonders for our relationship with other countries in the world and do much more for the middle class. But I can not stand pretending he's an "honest politician," or stepping into indignation when the GOP manages to actually get something right.

Just sayin...

3:57 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

I agree with Laurie. Obama also has ties to plenty of nasty folks, not just Ayres.

The Republican candidates are bought and paid for, that's common knowledge, and a grand mystery to me why anybody in their right mind would ever vote for them. I think Nikki's right on with the racism thing, that's a powerful reason people vote against their best interests. Religion (abortion, gay rights) is the other big emotional factor, I suppose.

But Dems are bought and paid for too, even tho they position themselves as Mr. Smith types. That's not right either. Lesser of two evils, but still evil.

Here's a neat YouTube video ( explains, in part, why I don't believe in the two parties.

I think the individual power struggles are very real, McCain and Obama both want the job, and they're backed by interests that are fighting tooth and nail. But they also purposely distract voters with us vs. them strategy, in my opinion. United we stand, divided we fall, as they say.

Yes, life is generally better under the Dems, at least for those of us who believe in peace, love and happiness. I'd rather have Obama than McCain, make no mistake. Even though 1, I'm afraid he'll get shot and a race war will break out; and 2, if he fails, it's back to crusty old white dudes for a loooooong time. But at least there's an inkling of compassion in there somewhere, as well as some damn intelligence. McCain is just another entitled rich boy, and a crazy tortured one, at that.

Hell, I'd like to see a black man get in on some of that elite action. Nearly all countries have corrupt leaders at the top, so at least sharing it with women and minorities, not just crusty old white dudes, is at least progress, right? *sigh*

If you didn't get to see the SNL skit of the bailout, here's a place on the net that still has it. NBC caught hell for it, and has taken it down from their site, and it disappears shortly after people post it on YouTube.

4:36 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Laurie, what do you think of Zbigniew Brzezinski's connection to Obama and his endorsement of Obama? Is that why you've referred to Obama as hawkish? Brzezinski's a real work of art. The genius behind the Taliban.

4:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

BIngo, Heather on Zib and another reason I am nervous about Obama -- that I don't think he's nearly the dove he portrays to win liberal votes. That dude is big time scary. I mean really scary. And NOBODY is talking about it. I definitely think Obama digs the idea of the imperial presidency and the advancement of executive privilege, which with Zib pulling strings scares me.

Also, Obama tied to the Chicago School and that means Disaster Captialism and more wars. I think our current economic situation is RIPE for the shock doctrinaires to swoop in. I'm afraid with Rubin and GOolsbee as econ advisors and a strong tie to Market economics, we'll just get more of the same. It's funny that what will get Obama in trouble is his ties to the socialist party -- when it is clear that was at a time when he needed backing. His actual statements about the economy are pretty straightforward centerist freemarket stuff. He used to love to compliment how well the market works -- until now, obviously.

Frankly, Obama is tied to so MANY nasty people from so many different stripes, I'm not sure who he is. One thing is certain, the emporer has no clothes. But the MESSAGE his team has created around him, and the speeches and the (for lack of a better description) ad copy he recites ==is really nice. Simplified and not specific -- change! Hope! -- which are lovely rallying cries but a little thin on substance like so many things that are overmarketed. I wonder who will hold him to those ideals if he gets in office. Maybe just his own need for a good legacy and another great memoir.

I'm just mostly irritated that people want to say that Obama is somehow different when, even a cursory bit of research will reveal that he's politics as usual. And tied to some pretty sleazy people.

8:06 PM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

I do want to say that I agree with Nikki -- that Obama's election will be a huge victory for progress past racial divisions. That's a great, great, GREAT thing. (I can love the message and not particularly like the messenger.) ALso, the rest of the world loves Obama, and that's HUGE. But Heather makes a point I've been worried about. If Obama fails in office -- the Dems are sunk for at least 20 years and that terrifies me.

8:36 PM

Blogger Cafe Observer said...

Since when do we have to vote for a liar who hangs around with terrorists?!

Talk about voting for the lesser of 2 evils. (Voting American Style).

Wake up, people: there are more than just these 2 establishment party machine candidates. Support some1 who is more like us the voter. Someone who truly knows what we are going through.

I'd definitely support the pol who would give us dogs the right to run for office - maybe even if they were a liar. hohoho!

But, that's just my dream. I know these phony pol's wood b 2 scared 2 have competition from us doggies! Suddenly, their stranglehold on the political system would be weakened. And, they'd be on our leash.

1:49 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree that his plans don't have "The Blueprint for Change, Barack Obama's Plan for America". I don't think it is just that he is a suave guy and intelligent speaker that has got him where he is today. I think he has Vision and I have real hopes that he can help lead the country to where we need to be on ALL matters...especially foreign policies.
Look EVERY politician has links to some shady people...I personally think the Repubs. have waited to bring this up because they fear the the Dems. bringing up McCain/Palin's own links to shady people. It is a last ditch effort....

8:32 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said... all must REALLY be down in the dumps. Sounds like you have no hope for our future..whoever is in office. I'm getting depressed just reading this blog!

8:35 AM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

We've really lowered the bar if we justify our own side's shady dealings byt insisting "everyone does it." I am sticking to my principles and calling out both sides when they disgust me. (And both sides truly disgust me.)

I hope you're right about that Blueprint for Change, NIk. I just don't see any of it as being feasible -- especially now with the current economic crisis.

10:10 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't feel justification is needed for his connection to Ayers. I was trying to explain my ideas of why I think McCain waited to start hammering the "Ayers Connection".
Hillary just contributed $8 million dollars to Obama's campaign...if I had any doubts that Obama has some sort of secret "terroristic agenda" (which I don't, didn't and haven't) but if I did...her contribution would have erased these outrageous claims the McCain ticket is trying to put in our heads...or thinks we are stupid enough to fall for.

8:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems to me he used him to help with Education reform in his state? If you want to think the worst...I guess you could look at it that way. If you want to think that he cared about education reform in his state...then you can view it that way. I mean this same site says that Ayers is a very distinguished professor now??!!!!

Obama-Ayers Controversy
Main article: Obama–Ayers controversy
Bill Ayers and Barack Obama at one time lived in the same neighborhood in the city of Chicago, and both had worked on education reform in the state of Illinois. The two met "at a luncheon meeting about school reform."[41] Obama was named to the Chicago Annenberg Challenge Project Board of Directors to oversee the distribution of grants in Chicago. Later in 1995, Ayers hosted "a coffee" for "Mr. Obama's first run for office."[42] The two served on the board of a community anti-poverty group, the Woods Fund of Chicago, between 2000 and 2002, during which time the board met twelve times.[42] In April 2001, Ayers contributed $200 to Obama's re-election fund to the Illinois State Senate.[41] Since 2002, there has been little linking Obama and Ayers.[42] The senator said in September 2008 that he hadn't "seen him in a year-and-a-half."[43] In February 2008, Obama spokesman Bill Burton released a statement from the senator about the relationship between the two: "Senator Obama strongly condemns the violent actions of the Weathermen group, as he does all acts of violence. But he was an eight-year-old child when Ayers and the Weathermen were active, and any attempt to connect Obama with events of almost forty years ago is ridiculous."[41] CNN's review of project records found nothing to suggest anything inappropriate in the non-profit projects in which the two men were involved.[44] Internal reviews by The New York Times, The Washington Post, Time magazine, The Chicago Sun-Times, The New Yorker and The New Republic "have said that their reporting doesn't support the idea that Obama and Ayers had a close relationship".[45]

9:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess that's the good thing about America, Laurie, we can all have different opinions. You seem very unhappy with our choices. Dont forget, you have another choice..Dont vote at all.

5:30 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Wikipedia tries to be like an encyclopedia...stating only facts that have been proven. I mean I could have went to to pull my facts or Obama's own Senator page, if I was trying to be completely bias.
On the one hand you act like it scares you to death of his connection with Ayers and on the other you say nobody with half a brain thinks he has terrorist ideas?? It seems contradictory. But we can agree to disagree:)

5:45 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way, I would rather the scandal be that he worked on a school board with Ayers; then that just a few years back he sat next to a Murderer who killed a doctor just because he performed legal abortions...just sayin'...

5:48 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently everyone doesn't know that...because I didn't. The fact is I picked that paragraph because the links came from a wide array of sources (both to the left and the right). And it is not saying the connection is bad or good..just stating exactly what the connection was.
Yes, you did imply that about Ayers...several times. Even in one comment suggesting he killed people...which he didn't.
As I have said many times before, if you don't like Obama don't vote for him. I would also like to point out that Hillary has moved on, so I think we should too.
Also, I don't think we are having to make excuses and trying to spin anything?!! I think we are winning just fine letting McCain/Palin talk about stuff that nobody cares about...

12:03 PM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

I can have two contradictory thoughts at the same time. This time the two are:

1) Obama is an opportunistic chicago politician involved with some really sleazy people and not the myth created by the advertising whizzes and power brokers who manufactured his image and crank out his campaign.

2) Obama is better for the country than McCain.

That doesn't change the fact that I'm sick about what's happened to my party, sick about the loss of the media as an unbiased fact checker and sick about the double-standard I see my fellow dems living by. We rationalize crap on our side that we excoriate on the other and that pisses me off.

There are plenty of people like me who want to beat McCain, but also fix our own corrupt and broken party, not just win this one election.

3:17 PM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

I read this by Steve Chapman in the Chicago Tribune and it makes a great point about double-standards:

"Would Obama be friendly with someone who actually bombed abortion clinics and defends that conduct? Not likely. But he is friendly with William Ayers, a leader of the radical Weather Underground, which in the 1970s carried out numerous bombings, including one inside the U.S. Capitol. Obama minimized his relationship by acknowledging only that he knows Ayers. But they have quite a bit more of a connection than that. He’s appeared on panels with Ayers, served on a foundation board with him and held a 1995 campaign event at the home of Ayers and his wife, fellow former terrorist Bernardine Dohrn. Ayers even gave money to one of his campaigns.
It’s not as though Ayers and Dohrn have denied or repudiated their crimes. After emerging from years in hiding, they escaped federal prosecution because of government misconduct in gathering evidence, but they don’t pretend they were innocent. In 2001, Ayers said, “I don’t regret setting bombs. I feel we didn’t do enough.” …
It’s hard to imagine he would be so indulgent if we learned that John McCain had a long association with a former Klansman who used to terrorize African-Americans. Obama’s conduct exposes a moral blind spot about these onetime terrorists, who get a pass because they a) fall on the left end of the spectrum and b) haven’t planted any bombs lately."

3:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

One problem with McCain’s campaign and the GOP machine is that from the beginning they have inherently implied over and over again that anyone who likes Obama is not intelligent. How are they doing this? I can remember at the onset of this, one of the first television ads where McCain stated that Obama was no better than Paris Hilton or Britney Spears, simply a celebrity. I take offense to this on many levels.
First it minimizes Senator Obama and his accomplishments. Forget about the Presidential race for a minute…He was a black kid, raised without a father and not much money, who was so intelligent and passionate that he made it through Harvard Law School. That alone puts him in an elite class of folks that I admire and respect. This same passion has driven him to get into politics and become elected as one of our U.S. Senators. Not to mention the fact that he is only 47 years old!! I mean come on people…can you deny the drive and passion the man had to have to get where he is?? He doesn’t have a father that used to be President, he doesn’t come from a political family (i.e. Kennedy’s), and he didn’t come from wealth. HE did this. Making it through all of that, without the wherewithal that most of our Senators (Republican & Democrats) have had, tells me a lot about this man…and it tells me that I trust him to lead. To even imply that he is just something the DNP conjured up and created diminishes him and makes him seem like he is not even a human being (which I think is the entire campaigns point). Can he help it that he speaks well in front of a crowd, has a great smile and some charisma?
Second it insults me personally. When they imply that I am not smart enough to read up on the candidates, sift through the journalism surrounding the candidates and make an intuitive, sound, educated, un-bias decision based on my own damn smarts…that pisses me off. I mean they said it outright on Fox News tonight. They said there are a lot of dumb young people out there that are going to go vote for Obama just because P-diddy put out a You-Tube video that said McCain and Palin scare him. Although, I like P-Diddy and think he is a lot smarter than I am, I mean he is sitting on a huge empire of wealth and business that he himself has created…BUT, the way he feels about “Those Two” (that’s what I’m calling McCain/Palin now)does not want me to vote for or against them. Just like I don’t care that Bruce Willis and Arnold S. are Repubs. This does not sway my opinion, vote or my ideals about the economy, abortion, education, the war, welfare, Separation of Church and State, tax cuts and credits any more than if the lead of the DNC came out and had a differing opinion than mine!!!! I am not that damn stupid!!
Then “Those Two” over the last two weeks insult me again and again and again by implying that the American people are so stupid that we just don’t get what they are doing with this smear campaign and blatant last ditch attempt to “press the buttons” of inherent racism. Bring out the Ayers connection, the Wright connection…whatever you want but pulling out racial divide to win a campaign is not the people I want leading me. I think the entire world would be sitting back laughing at us and how disgusting we are if that were to happen.
As far as the double standard, I think we can still use the media to gather information. You just have to make sure that while you are on your journey for truth you look at both sides of the story with an open heart and more importantly an open mind. For me that means, that while yes I watch a lot of MSNBC because it is nice to hear my inner thoughts spoken out loud, I also turn it over to Fox too. Hell when I lived in LA I used to torture and outrage myself daily by listening to Rush Limbaugh trying to make sure I heard both sides of the story…there could not be any person alive that is more opposite than myself..seriously it’s true…just ask yakpate…she used to have to hear my daily tirades from my cell phone on many of these days!!!!!!!

7:49 PM

Blogger Yakpate said...


Thank you to everyone who commented on this post! I have learned a lot by reading your comments. Hmmm. Would it be plagiarizing if I write a new post about "Those Two?"

This is exactly the kind of idea exchange I hoped for when I wrote the post!

8:47 AM


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