As in a tasty mix of talk

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Don't Let Them Tell You You're Just Paranoid, Man!

by Guest Blogger H. Anderson, aka ballbuster/asskicker

No, it's not that grass you've started smoking again, Boomers. They really are out to get you.

Who's "they", and what do "they" want?

Well, one thing hasn't changed from your youth: "they" is still "the man". That includes oil companies, banks, greedy corporations, the government, and all the usual suspects.

But, "they" can also be the people you need to trust, particularly on the eve of your retirement: your health care provider, your church, your television, and even your kids.

What do they want?

Duh! Your money.

Here's an important statistic every marketing executive knows: you Baby Boomers are the wealthiest generation in the history of America. Those of you who didn't earn enough to retire young are currently at your earning peak. During the next 10 years, many of you are going to retire, and you're taking a large chunk of America's wealth with you.

This is the land of capitalism, where caveat emptor rules. In America, anybody can compete for a share of the pie. That's how y'all got so much money in the first place, because you love capitalism, and you're damn good at it.

But unfortunately, capitalism isn't about to retire along with you. Remember, your generation has socked away a sizeable percentage of our country's wealth. It doesn't add up — 75 million Americans control a majority of the wealth, leaving the other 225 million to scrap over what's left. Remember, this is a country where everybody has the right to try to steal your piece of the pie. And they're doing it right now.

This whole mortgage crisis? News flash: it was a con! You were duped into falling for the "everybody's doing it" mentality — you guys are real suckers for that one — and gave up perfect good, nearly paid-off homes for overvalued mini-mansions you didn't need. Fell for it hook, line and sinker. Lines like "you must act now to take advantage of these historically low interest rates!" Or "you owe it to yourself to buy that dream home." Who told you this BS? The ones who sold you that now upside down mortgage, that's who. The ones you're indebted to for life.

How many of you went from black to red on your personal balance sheets, trading equity for debt? You were robbed! Did you know WaMu was found guilty by the state of New York for conspiring with appraisers to artificially inflate home values to force borrowers into jumbo and subprime loans? WaMu committed outright fraud. It's true, Google it! WaMu, sued by the state of New York and found guilty of defrauding citizens for millions, probably billions … BUT, settled out of court.

See, instead of putting those bastards in jail, your government instead just set tougher regulations for appraisers. Sure, the FBI is investigating, but so far, nobody's gone to jail. Meanwhile, millions of you are on your way to the poor house. Gee, could there be a financial reason the government's priorities are so far out of whack here?

How are those 401Ks doing? I can't imagine being in your shoes, spending all those years dutifully contributing the maximum allowable amount of your paychecks into that rip-off of a casino called Wall Street. So, where did it go? Stolen by the very bankers who convinced you to put your life savings into an uninsured investment. Bankers don't care where you spend your golden years. In your home, your kid's home, or a ditch. Whatevs, that's your problem. Caveat emptor, let the buyer beware.

How about your health? I'm mortified to see so many of you sick and broken down, victims of your own self-indulgence. Nobody cares enough about you to tell you to stop eating at MacDonald's. Stop drinking a gallon of diet soda or a pot of coffee every day. Exercise. Chop some onions, for Chris'sake.

No, instead, you're ripped off again. Convinced that you need pills and surgery, not self-discipline and real food. You spend hundreds of dollars a month on health regimens that have left you one of the sickest generations in history. You're the first generation in US history whose life expectancy has actually decreased, did you know that? Few of you are as healthy as your parents were at your age, and some of your elderly parents are probably healthier now. How many of you could even take to the streets in protest these days?

Here's a morbid thought: robbing you blind with damaging health care accomplishes two goals. First, health care companies get your money, which remember, is everyone's goal. Second, if you die young, it solves the Social Security problem. An honest government would do everything it could to maintain the health of the largest retiring generation in history, don't you think?

Please, pull your heads out of the sand! Somewhere down there is the enlightened rebel of your youth. We can still turn this country around, but we need your help. Turn off the television, NOW! Stop allowing "them" to hypnotize you with junk TV and news shows that tell you over and over and over and over and over and over again what to think. That bad mother who might have killed her 3-year-old is NOT important. Monday Night Football is NOT important. And I know this will fall on deaf ears for many of you, but McCain vs. Obama isn't that important, either. Both are controlled by special interests, and no matter how much change and maverick talk they dish up, at the end of the day, both will side with "them", not you.

Your generation is being targeted, because you played by the rules and achieved the American dream fair and square. And now, "they" want it back. You're being rendered powerless — broke, sick and scared — because long ago, when you were young, you had power. Remember when you stopped that corrupt war? Remember when you demanded equal pay for equal work? Remember how you raised a generation that isn't limited by race, gender or sexual orientation? You'd better believe "they" know what you are capable of, and it's not in "their" agenda.

I know you've still got it in you, Boomers. Keep smoking that grass until it re-opens the eyes of your youth. Cast aside your sofas and Blackberrys, and re-emerge as the generation of real change. The generation that doesn't take any bullshit. The generation that rejected the status quo and saved America.


Blogger Unknown said...

Ummm. I beg to differ...I live for Monday Night Football and if there is a God, She/He/It will let me live to see tomorrow night's debate. Oh and while I'm at it..please God, master of everything, please do not let the McCain/Obama handlers mussel either Palin or Biden....I really want to see a slugfest.

8:59 AM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...


This is fantastic, Heather. The red pill is tough to swallow at first, but it's the only real key to saving ourselves.

9:48 AM

Blogger Thursday Girl/Hollis the Cat said...

HELL, yeah!

A Gen X'er

10:04 AM

Blogger Yakpate said...

OMFG... you mean, even though a big part of sixties demonstration chic was motivated by a desire to get laid, we now are actually going to have to... THINK... FACE FACTS... & ACT INDEPENDENTLY? What kind of pinko commie crap is this? Are you trying to drain our precious bodily fluids? Are you a conspiracy nut? Are you suggesting I should cash in what's left of my IRA, move to Mexico and live in luxury on the beach, where I'll never worry or give a shit about anything, ever again? Hmmmm... can you publish this in an "Authenticity for Dummies" format?

1:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean there is something left in your IRA????

10:10 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My plan is to get Johhny depp to adopt me and my two sons...and move my ass out of the country!!! Johnny...are you listening...hello???!!!!!

11:50 AM


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