As in a tasty mix of talk

Monday, September 08, 2008

Brand New Bag of Jesus

Anyone watching Sarah Palin wrinkle her nose with delight as she busted O’Bama’s balls in her convention speech had to realize that she was enjoying her work and felt chosen to do it... not just by the GOP but by the Supreme Being Himself.

With her feet planted firmly on a bible, she stood her ground like a messenger who has inherited the GOP’s mission from God, and gave her constituents just what they desperately needed: A brand-new bag of Jesus, an opiate for the red-state masses to help them forget that their party and its elected representatives led us into a needless war, ruined our economy, and denigrated our constitution.

Inhaling the euphoria, Republicans are now absolved of responsibility. Washed clean of Guilt. Re-baptized in the fire of moral superiority. And entitled to keep doing whatever God tells them to do with our lives, our children’s lives and our futures.

Yes. Entitled.

All progressive voters have wondered why the working poor so often support right-wing agendas that work against their best interests, ever widening the gap between the poor, middle and wealthy classes. Why are the issues of abortion and gun control and same-sex marriage so sexy that the working poor will take the Neo-Con side against them, ignoring tax cuts for the rich while bankruptcy laws are weakened, minimum wages are undermined and unemployment soars?


The working poor may not have a family tree linking them to the Rockefellers, as the Bush family does, and they may not live on the Right side of the tracks where all the good schools are located, and they may not have the education and social credentials of the tax-advantaged rich, but there is one sense of entitlement they still can enjoy: Being Right, with God on their side.

Never mind that, according to the very bible which the GOP has commandeered as its soapbox, Jesus was a kick-ass radical who disrupted business in the financial district. Never mind that the bible says rich men have the same odds of entering heaven as a camel has of passing through a needle’s eye. The fat cats have opiated the working poor with the illusion that God would rather give tax cuts to oil billionaires than reproductive choices to women.

I have no quarrel with Christians or with women who choose motherhood over abortion. Even Sarah Palin’s child, whose choice in the matter of keeping her baby probably was the only one her family would permit her to make, still had… a choice. That’s the point.

I do, however, resent the one toke over the line euphoria of the non-issue, non-substance, non-change Republican popularity surge. I know it’s hard to find your shoes and car keys, pilgrims, but FOCUS. We have an economy to rebuild… a constitution to repair… Cities to revitalize… Alternate energy sources to invent…Workable health care to wrest from the hands of the pharmaceutical and insurance lobbies. That’s a lot of work to do if you’re stoned on the promises of a party whose idea of change is a reactionary politician who has already tried to ban books from a local library, and who would deny an abortion to a 14-year-old rape or incest victim. Sarah Palin has taken and would take these positions again… not just against her own children, but against OURS.

Instead of watching the party lights from afar, and worrying that the GOP’s brand new bag of Jesus will sweep enough votes through the needle’s eye to crash the gates of heaven, let’s sober up and concentrate on returning power to the people.

Don’t bogart that power joint, my Republican friends… pass it over to us.


Blogger San Diego Farmgirl said...

Sounds like witch talk to me.

See, Pat, when you base your entire life on a philosophy as flimsy as faith, entitlement is all you have. See also: racial superiority

Biden is pro-life, too. I wish Obama would make clearer statements regarding his support of a woman's right to choose. Shoulda picked Hillary for veep. Damn.

1:12 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Sarah apparently likes to use her current position of power (Gov Alaska, as if!) for some politicking from the pulpit. Apparently, she has forgotten (or never learned) that the crusades of the 12th Century also failed. But she's got one big ol bag o Jesus!

Her speech in June provides as much insight into her policy leanings as anything uncovered since she was asked to be John McCain's running mate.

Speaking before the Pentecostal church, Palin painted the current war in Iraq as a messianic affair in which the United States could act out the will of the Lord.

"Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God," she exhorted the congregants. "That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan."

All I can say about this misguided weirdo is pray (if you do that sort of thing) that McCain/Palin do not get elected because as hard as it is to believe they look to be worse than Bush. Arghhh!

1:22 PM

Blogger San Diego Farmgirl said...

I attended a dinner party last night, and the host came up with a great way to keep abortion legal: Chief Justice H.R. Clinton.

2:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don’t know if you are familiar with The Secret. One thing it mentions really stood out to me... that sometimes a politician that people don’t want will actually win because they get all the energy. People think about them all the time and, while negative, that energy carries them over. I am going to try to only focus on the image of Obama and Biden in the White House doing amazing things and give as little energy as possible to McCain/Palin. I also think we should get the word out to people to only click on positive articles about Obama and Biden on sites like, MSNBC, etc. and not even read about McCain and Palin. This will push Obama stories to the top of lists and reinforce the positive energy thing.

Have you read “Don’t Think of an Elephant” by George Lakoff? If not, you really should get it ASAP. It’s brilliant! I lent my copy out and haven’t gotten it back!

2:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It drives me completely INSANE when seemingly intelligent people, don't realize or GET that they are a Republican for reasons that they themselves cannot admit to. They have to know and understand that they are NOT in the Elite rich that gets any benefit from the Republican economy plans, they have to know that if their young daughter came up to them, with tears in her eyes that she had been raped and was with child...HOW on earth could they force this child upon her????!! They have to know that they wouldn't do that. So the only thing left is Entitlement as PKAye suggests and some sort of deep seeded racism that they can't let go of. After all, back in the day we used to have the Republican-Democratic Party...until views on racism split the party in two, and yes you guessed it...Republicans wanted to keep Slavery and Democrats were against it. Im sorry, but they need to let that go and get real...why is America great??? Diversity. So, start using your brain instead of your warped sense of entitlement...and vote for people who have your interest at heart!!!! Quite holding on to a time that will never come back...that anyone with compassion would not want to come back...I say LET IT GO--REPUBLICANS....just LET IT GO...

5:39 AM

Blogger Dixie Jane said...

I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date.......your birthday. Happy belated Birthday, dear Pat. Had I known I would have written you a terrible poem with every intention of it being one to remember. Love, Dixie Jane

11:42 PM


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