As in a tasty mix of talk

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Skirting the Issues

The GOP harumphed in advance of Sarah Palin’s convention speech that she didn’t have to appear knowledgeable or experienced… all she had to do was make viewers like her. I watched. I listened. But, like her?

It is said that, as a small child, Einstein was terrified by the spectacle of goose-stepping soldiers. With a child’s intuitive awareness, he feared that only harm would come from anything so relentlessly synchronized.

I leap in advance of potential critics to acknowledge that I am no Einstein. But as I watched the inexorable 1-2-3-4-5-6 punch of Ms. Palin’s scripted remarks, I felt the hair stand up on my neck: I am plenty smart enough to recognize a politician skirting the issues.

1. I don’t like it that Palin skirted the issue of our imploding, Republican-ravaged economy by threatening that O’Bama will raise taxes while McCain will make the economy all better and cool and good again. Somehow. (Never mind that Senator O’Bama’s proposed tax increases do not apply to 95% of taxpayers. Remember, Palin doesn’t have to be knowledgeable.)

2. I don’t like it that Palin skirted the issue of our nation’s torture-damaged moral credibility by sneering that O’Bama is …”worried that someone won’t read ‘em (accused terrorists) their rights.” The explanation for this may be, as she stated in her speech, that she is “always proud” of America. I can’t help wondering… how proud did Sarah Palin feel when she saw the photographs of sexually humiliated Iraqi prisoners at Abu Graib, with leering American soldiers pointing to their genitals?

3. I don’t like it that she skirted the issue of America’s health care crisis with an empty promise of being a friend and advocate for parents of special-needs children… empty because the GOP has never, will never, won’t even pretend to ever, consider a national health care system that would benefit these and millions of other children.

4. I don’t like it that she skirted the vital issues of choice and women’s reproductive rights by parading her family before the cameras and lining them up on stage, as if… wink-wink, nod-nod… their sheer number was sufficient comment.

5. I don’t like it that she skirted the issue of our catastrophic need to develop green energy alternatives by paying lip service to “solar, wind and geothermal” options (wasn’t that a 70s rock group?) while making the absurd claim that we have enough oil and gas in Alaska to become independent of foreign oil producers, in this or any other lifetime.

6. But most of all, I don’t like it that she skirted the issue of McCain’s probable extension of a right-wing agenda by claiming, as if describing how Jesus suffered on the cross for our sins, that the torture he endured in Viet Nam means that there is “only one man in this election who has ever really fought for you.” Not so. Endurance is admirable, but it is not the only way to fight. Organizing to empower the downtrodden poor may be a punch line in Ms. Palin’s routine, but it is a courageous effort on behalf of Americans, dignified by real grit without the need for mythologizing.

Like Sarah Palin? She is the hypocritical GOP version of a Trojan horse. If we welcome her through the gateway to political power in this election, we will watch as she unleashes the inevitable outcome of her one-sided, narrow views, as she champions the rights of the Right while ignoring… or harming… those who wish to grow in different directions.

As for my coy reference to the way Ms. Palin skirted the issues, I point out that Hillary, who was narrowly eliminated as a Presidential candidate, never skirts the issues… she wears pant suits.


Blogger Unknown said...

I am most fascinated by how the Repubs lead the call that we must support their ideas for the future, and it is their way that leads us to salvation and the Dems that lead to damnation and yet, it is their ways and their party and there holier than thou positioning about everything from oil to the war that has ruined the economy and almost tipped the balance of the Supreme Court back to the Victorian days. I don't really beleive in Nostradamus' predictions, but if McCain and the pit bull with lipstick win I honest feel we will see the 3rd world war.

And, while I'm no expert on this, isn't the term "clean-coal" an oxy-moron? And how does the pit-bull expect us to dispose of all the waste from the Nuc reactors she says we'll build? I got it, how about turning her home town of Wisallea (sp?) into the national collection site.

8:22 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

PKaye....I could not have said it better! HooRay!!!

8:23 AM

Blogger San Diego Farmgirl said...


Holy smokes! I believe what we have here are major differences of opinion. If those chants represent half of America, I don't know how in the world we're going to find enough common ground to move forward together.

Palin talks a good game about being a maverick, but when she accepted the VP position, I think she signed on to be a company girl, thru and thru. She'll read whatever they hand her. It's called faith, you godless heathens! God didn't make that brain for thinkin'!

Hey Roy, I've got a survivalist farm in Kansas I'll sell ya if McCain wins ... ;o)

9:05 AM

Blogger San Diego Farmgirl said...

Say, what do you all make of the idea that these middle east conflicts are about religion, not oil? Any churchgoers reading? Not California peace and love churchgoers, we're talking about CHURCH church. Hellfire and damnation and creative design and God hates fags church. Are they still preaching that the end of days is near, and Christians need to control the holy land? I know Christians who absolutely believe this, but also know others who stopped going to church because of it. Palin is very pro-Israel, and she touched on that last night. Isn't that why fundamentalists support Israel? Anybody know more about this?

9:24 AM

Blogger Rose said...

Beautiful Pat, way to lay down the outcome of her speech - nervous disbelief in so many of us. Not quite the resounding call to battle, eh?

10:00 AM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

Great post.

BTW: Obama wants to drill too.

1:32 PM

Blogger Laurie Allee said...

Incidentally, whatever bipartisanship Palin had in Alaska is now squashed by McCain's neocon foreign policy advisors. If he's still a "maverick," he's a maverick in a corral.

Still smiling over the Hillary wore pantsuits line. That's fantastic.

1:35 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

@ ballbuster:

Please send me the address for the farm in Kansas, and if it is in Jericho, I'll buy right now. As for Fundamentalists, although I'm out here on the LEFT coast, my sources tell me it is SOOOOO alive and kicking in the heartland or at least in the South...that's what GW and Condy Rice are all about and, with Pitbull on their side they will continue their Holy Crusade even if it means Iran launches on Israel.

1:42 PM


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